Unit 6 Assignment
Resource: How to Submit your CBA Module Assignment
This week you will complete a two-part assignment. Part 1 of the assignment consists of the CBA Learning Modules which are available through computer assisted instructional program that teaches the content covered in the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) 5th Edition Task list and the BACB Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts.
Complete modules B-6–B-7 Parts 1, 2 & 3; B-8 Parts 1 & 2; B-9; B-12 Parts 1 & 2 this week in acquisition mode to criterion (i.e., 100% correct).
You will have one hour to complete each module in acquisition mode. It is encouraged that you view the hints provided for each question the first time you complete each module. The hints provided for each question can be useful in learning the content for that module, as well as provide references to where the material is covered in various texts. Each module can be completed in acquisition mode several times until you meet criterion (100% correct).
After you meet criterion for the module take a screenshot of the Exercise Log and save it in a Word document as Part 1 of this week’s assignment. If there is more than one module in a unit, please copy a screenshot for each module into the same Word document.
For Part 2 of this week’s assignment you are to write a one paragraph summary (minimum of 8-10 sentences) of the module(s). The summary will be an overview of the content you learned in the module(s) for the unit. Please attach your summary to the bottom of the Word document that contains your screenshots. See the Assignment Rubric in Course Resources for additional information.
Save your PDF using Lastname underscore first name course #, unit#, assignment title Smith_Amy PSXXXUXModules-Journal.
Submit your assignment in a single PDF to the Dropbox.
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