Hamlet Critical analysis
Hamlet Critical analysis
Hamlet Critical analysis Essay
This essay will demonstrate your understanding of the play, its characters, its themes and also allow you to give a critical opinion. It should be around 1500 words, 6 sides of a4.
The essay must contain:
A discussion of at least two characters in the play; who they are? Why they are important? Do they change or develop in any way through the play? How are the characters linked/connected?
A discussion of one of the plays themes that you found interesting.
At least 3 quotations, analyzed, from the play.
Your critical opinion. The play is nearly Four Hundred years old; did you enjoy it? Would you recommend it to others to read? Why?
The essay must be structured into paragraphs.
PRODUCT: 5 4 3 2 1
Knowledge and Understanding:
I have knowledge and understanding of the language and ideas we have explored in this course and can confidently discuss them in relation to the play. Work shows excellent understanding of the vocabulary and ideas in the play. Key ideas, themes and concepts are explained with appropriate examples. Work shows good understanding of the vocabulary and ideas covered in the study of the play. The student can explain key words and concepts and provide some examples. Understanding of the ideas and vocabulary explored during the play. Some examples are provided of key words and concepts Understanding of some of the ideas and vocabulary from the play with a few appropriate examples. These are not well explained or understood. Little knowledge or understanding of the ideas or vocabulary of the play. Few or no examples given.
Thinking & Inquiry:
My work has a well-argued thesis and analysis of key ideas and themes of the play. My work shows understanding the text. Work shows excellent understanding of key ideas, literary devices, theories and ways of interpreting the text. Work displays a confidence in using appropriate terminology in analysis. Work shows good understanding of key ideas, theories and literary devices. Appropriate terminology is used to analyse. Understanding of key ideas, theories and literary devices.
There is use of subject specific terminology in analysis. Understanding of some key ideas, literary devices and concepts, though this is inconsistent. Some subject specific terminology is used. Little analysis. Little understanding of the key ideas, theories and literary devices. Little used of subject specific terminology.
My work is well structured and clearly communicated. I can confidently use a wide vocabulary and interesting punctuation. Work is well structured into paragraphs that flow well. Vocabulary is skilfully used with judicious use of course specific terminology. Punctuation and grammar is clear and well selected. Work shows good structure. Paragraphs are clear and flow. Vocabulary, including course specific vocabulary, is used well along with good spelling and punctuation. Work is structured into paragraphs with a logical order. Vocabulary, spelling and grammar is clear with a few mistakes. There is some use of paragraphing but this is inconsistent. There are more than five instances of spelling and grammar errors. There is little sign of paragraphing or structure to written work. There are more than five spelling and grammar errors.
I can justify and defend a position. I can come up with an interesting thesis and then use evidence to support my arguments. A clear and interesting thesis is argued and defended with an excellent range of evidence carefully selected from the text and other readings used during the unit. A good well-argued thesis is defended by the student using evidence from the text. Clearly argues thesis. The student uses some evidence from the text to defend the thesis. A thesis is put forward. There is some supporting evidence used but this is weakly deployed. An unclear thesis with little supporting evidence used to defend or justify it.
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