[SOLVED] Themes of Drama.
themes of drama. Through an essay, answer
each question based on your knowledge about the drama. The following questions will
pave to the discovery of emerging themes of the drama. In each question, maintain
your responses in 8-10 sentences only.
Criteria: Content- 6; Organization & Mechanics- 4= 10 pts each question
At the end of the play, what did Miss Daisy discover about Hoke? How did she
react to that?
2. Explain how important education to a man is. As a student, what can you do in
order to help or assist people like Hoke?
3. What kind of relationship would they have if Miss Daisy continued to be impolite
to Hoke?
Please Help me for free. I am low on budget these days
themes of drama. Through an essay, answer
each question based on your knowledge about the drama. The following questions will
pave to the discovery of emerging themes of the drama. In each question, maintain
your responses in 8-10 sentences only.
Criteria: Content- 6; Organization & Mechanics- 4= 10 pts each question
At the end of the play, what did Miss Daisy discover about Hoke? How did she
react to that?
2. Explain how important education to a man is. As a student, what can you do in
order to help or assist people like Hoke?
3. What kind of relationship would they have if Miss Daisy continued to be impolite
to Hoke?
Please Help me for free. I am low on budget these days
themes of drama. Through an essay, answer
each question based on your knowledge about the drama. The following questions will
pave to the discovery of emerging themes of the drama. In each question, maintain
your responses in 8-10 sentences only.
Criteria: Content- 6; Organization & Mechanics- 4= 10 pts each question
At the end of the play, what did Miss Daisy discover about Hoke? How did she
react to that?
2. Explain how important education to a man is. As a student, what can you do in
order to help or assist people like Hoke?
3. What kind of relationship would they have if Miss Daisy continued to be impolite
to Hoke?
Please Help me for free. I am low on budget these days
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