SYSTEM INTEGRATION AND ARCHITECTURE Research Paper Review – Structure and Format Guidelines
This set of guidelines was originally designed for a course, so it includes grading guidelines,
which most readers can ignore.
1. Follow the guidelines here on structuring and formatting your review. 2. Include each
category in a separate section or subsection. Ensure that you discuss each category! (If a
category does not apply, then actually write in that (sub)section that the category does not
apply.) We will be looking for each category when grading. 3. Reference other articles you’ve
read, if appropriate. Just as in the articles you’ve read, include a reference marker where you
refer to each in your review, and provide full bibliographic references in a bibliography
section at the end of your report. 4. Your final report should be 5 full pages or more (if
measured in Times New Roman 12pt single spaced), which is equivalent to 7-10 pages in
most Web browsers. This does not include your bibliography, citation analysis, diagrams or
large gaps between parts of your report. There is no maximum length.
5. Do not copy any part of the article into your review. If you want to use more than 3-4 of
the author’s words, then use quotation marks, and add a page number from the article (if
available) when you cite this quotation.
6. Proof-read your review for grammar and clarity as well as spelling. Spell checkers do not
fix grammar. You should be sure that you have caught all mistakes and written clearly.
Most word processors have a grammar checker – use it!
7. For the printed copy of your review, turn in just a plain stapled black & white copy of your
review. Do not put your review in a folder. Avoid fancy covers, colors or fonts. We want
to judge your content, not visual presentation.
8. Please reread the note on plagiarism posted in the syllabus and on the course Web site.
Additional References to Outside Materials
In sections 6-14, utilize at least 3 citations to articles outside those on the class reading list. Use
these articles to back up your analysis, to describe or address issues, implications or
recommendations for further research or development.
Preparing for Your Review
The purpose of research articles is to present new or refine conceptual ideas, or to present new
evidence for conceptual ideas. A research article reviews results from critically examining a
research article. You will have to read your article several times to understand it fully enough to
review properly.
Often, comparing your article to others will help you determine its quality. Also, think about the
article and its research ideas in terms of each of the different week’s concepts and frameworks
we study in class. Do the ideas in the article fit all the categories of appropriate class concepts,
models and frameworks? This often will help you see things the authors missed,
Systems Plus College Foundation
Miranda Campus
2nd Semester, A.Y. 2021-2022
think about things the authors write in a new light, or see that the authors indeed covered a topic
Grading Notes
We have included the grading criteria in these guidelines.
Unless otherwise noted, the categories are:
• great: fully discussed, explained well and well-justified
• ok: partial discussion; not explained well or well-justified
• poor: barely discussed
• zero: not discussed
Length Grading
We take 5 points off for each full page missing (i.e., less than 4 full pages) and 3 points off for
every half page missing. Note that large gaps between sections will not count towards the full
page length.
Make a Research Paper Review on a topic relevant to systems integration and web
service technology. Research paper review should provide detailed review of
literature and state of art report of the topic. Research paper should demonstrate
student’s deeper understanding of the topic. Research paper should contain logical
and factual statements supported by valid arguments and references.
Following are the expected deliverables:
• Introduction: Objective
• Detailed Overview
• Detailed Literature Review
• Issues (Listed By The Author)
• Issues (In Your Opinion)
• Impact
• Questions
• Analysis
• Very Brief Summary
• Results
• Reference
Systems Plus College Foundation
Miranda Campus
2nd Semester, A.Y. 2021-2022
In addition, you can lose points if your review is too short or poorly edited. See the Grading
Notes section above.
1. Introduction: Objectives
Note: For the on-line reviews done in some class sections, this category may be broken up
into several separate subcategories. For the written review, please discuss all of these
subcategories together as follows.
Paragraph 1: State the objectives (goals or purpose) of the article. What is the article’s
domain (topic area)?
Paragraph 2:
• Audience: State the article’s intended audience. At what level is it written, and what general
background should the reader have; what general background materials should the reader be
familiar with to understand the article?
• Appropriate Journal? Why is the journal appropriate (or inappropriate) for this article? (Check the
mission statement or purpose of the journal itself from its cover or its Web site.)
Paragraph 3: State whether the article is “conceptual” or “empirical”, and why you believe
it is conceptual or empirical. Empirical articles and conceptual articles have a similar
objective: to substantiate an argument proposed by the author. While a conceptual article
supports such an argument based on logical and persuasive reasoning, an empirical article
offers empirical evidence to support the argument. Empirical articles offer substantial,
detailed evidence which the authors analyze using statistical methods. Empirical articles
must include hypotheses (or propositions), detailed research results, and (statistical)
analyses of this empirical evidence. Empirical research includes experiments, surveys,
questionnaires, field studies, etc, and to limited degree, case studies.
2. Detailed Overview
An overview is a general summary of something. An overview gives the big picture,
while leaving out the minor details.
3. Detailed Literature Review
A literature review is an overview of the topic, an explanation of how publications differ
from one another, and an examination of how each publication contributes to the
discussion and understanding of the topic.
4. Issues (Listed By The Author)
What open questions or issues has the author stated remain unresolved? Discuss each in a
separate paragraph of 5-10 sentences. Each issue’s paragraph should take the following
• what is the issue?
• why do you believe this is an important issue?
• in what way is it unresolved
• suggestions for resolving it – if you give your own suggestions (instead of or in addition to
the authors’, then precede each with “I would propose …” If it has been resolved since
the article was written, then state how it was resolved.
Systems Plus College Foundation
Miranda Campus
2nd Semester, A.Y. 2021-2022
5. Issues (in your opinion)
List several open questions or issues which remain unresolved in your opinion? For example,
what possible future research questions could arise from this article? Discuss each in a separate
paragraph of 5-10 sentences. Each issue’s paragraph should take the following format:
• what is the issue?
• why do you believe this is an important issue?
• in what way is it unresolved
• suggestions for resolving it
6. Impact
To determine how much impact this article has had, do a citation analysis. Discuss what
this citation analysis shows, and why; don’t just list the citations! If the article has no
citations, then write in your review “I found no citations in the Science Citation Index, the
Social Sciences Citation Index or on the Internet.” Then clearly explain why you believe
there were no citations at all. If you found citations in some indexes or on the Internet but
not the others, then explain this as well.
7. Question
List three insightful questions of your own, arising from this article. Do not ask
definitions, but rather questions that really make one think.
8. Analysis
What has changed since the article was written? How do its lessons, ideas and theories
still apply? To what extent has its issues been resolved?
Additional Analysis
Optionally, try applying the article’s models, frameworks and guidelines, etc. yourself.
Do you find them useful?
In addition, you may optionally add your own additional analysis in a separate
subsection. (Do not repeat the author’s analysis in the paper – you could summarize this
as part of the results section.)
9. Very Brief Summary
For our article reviews, we do not want you to spend much space summarizing the article.
Instead, we are more interested in your analysis of the article.
Thus, in this section, summarize the article only very briefly (2-3 paragraphs). If possible,
use the IS research paradigm as the format of your summary, but remaining very brief:
• Paragraph 1: what is the problem or opportunity being addressed
• Paragraph 2: which solution is proposed (the solution could be a new model or a theory that
explains the problem)
Systems Plus College Foundation
Miranda Campus
2nd Semester, A.Y. 2021-2022
• Paragraph 3: what evidence is put forth that this solution is appropriate (If this is an
empirical article, be sure to briefly describe what kind of empirical study was done as part
of the evidence)
10. Result
Very briefly summarize the important points (observations, conclusions, findings) and
“take home messages” in the article.
Please do not repeat lists of items in the articles – just summarize the essence of these if
you feel they are necessary to include.

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