[SOLVED] Synthesis Paper & Video
Unit 2 Synthesis Paper & Video Synthesis Paper Instructions
The purpose of the unit synthesis paper is to integrate the topics that have been covered in the unit and then synthesize that material content you have already learned in the courses listed on your MDS/Planned Program theme. For example, in this second unit, we have covered the 1918 flu pandemic. We have analyzed that pandemic from the perspective of its misnaming, how it too was part of larger climate issues, just as the ancient pandemics of the Roman Empire, how it could be consider a different kind of pandemic given its gradual onset, and how other epidemics have NOT happened due to other interventions. From your theme proposal (that you prepared with your academic advisor and that was approved by the college or Provost), follow these guidelines to prepare your Unit Paper/Theme Response:
Section 1. Summarize your “take-aways” from the second unit of the course, particularly in light of what you’ve learned about the 1918 flu pandemic. Your summary/take-aways should include what you learned in this unit and a basic description of the concept of hubris.
Section 2. From your theme proposal, discuss the content of at least three of the courses listed that you have already completed as part of your major coursework that have connections (in content, philosophy, or outcomes) to this unit’s topic(s),
Choose at least three from the following courses (past coursework include: General chemistry, Organic chemistry, Biochemistry, Physical chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Analytical chemistry.)
Section 3. Discuss how the ideas or theories that you defined in Section 1 relate to the three courses you discussed in Section 2.
Section 4. In conclusion, discuss how this unit may impact your future vocation: what are the lessons from this second unit that you will want to remember as you enter the world of work?
In general, I expect the paper to be 3-5 pages in length, 12-pt. font, double-spaced, as with any academic essay.
Video that explains the instructions in more details: https://youtu.be/_ODkTpJyu3U
Synthesis Paper & VideoSynthesis Paper & Video
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