[SOLVED] Write a reflection of at least 750 words total

[SOLVED] Write a reflection of at least 750 words total

INSTRUCTIONS: Write a reflection of at least 750 words total (i.e., 750 words for ALL questions, not 750 words PER question) that addresses each of the following questions. Write your response in paragraph form, and clearly label the start of each paragraph with the number of the question you are answering. You should also include a word count. Students who follow all instructions and answer all questions accurately and completely will receive full credit.
QUESTIONS 1 AND 2: Which TWO theories or concepts in business ethics that we covered this semester do you personally find most important or significant, and why? (Please address each of the two concepts in a separate paragraph corresponding to Question 1 and Question 2, respectively.) Be sure explain these concepts or any other jargon you use in a way that someone who was not enrolled in the class could understand it.
QUESTION 3: Choose a contemporary corporation, industry, or business practice, and apply at least ONE of the concepts or theories you discussed in either Question 1 or Question 2 to it in a concrete way (e.g., explaining how a company’s business practices violates Singer’s principle of equal consideration; explaining how employment coercion that we discussed in connection with Ciulla arises for workers in a particular industry; drawing on Hearn et al.’s discussion of gatekeeping practices or Meagher’s excess power standard to analyze whether a particular company is engaged in anticompetitive activity; etc.).
QUESTION 4: Which author’s argument this semester did you find most convincing, and why? (Choose a particular argument, and offer a specific evaluation of why you find it to be compelling or strong.)
QUESTION 5: Which author’s argument this semester did you find least convincing, and why? (Choose a particular argument, and offer a specific evaluation of why you found it to be problematic or flawed.)

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