[SOLVED] Welcome to your assessment No. 2 of the Innovation Course in the Master of Business Administration Program

[SOLVED] Welcome to your assessment No. 2 of the Innovation Course in the Master of Business Administration Program

1. Introduction
Welcome to your assessment No. 2 of the Innovation Course in the Master of Business
Administration Program. This assessment aims to ensure that the students can analyse the given
case, identify the complex issues related to Innovation, and propose recommendations based on
the relevant theories and concepts discussed in the class.
This assessment consists of questions that assess your knowledge and skills on Innovation that
you have acquired during first five weeks of the course. This assessment is a case analysis that
you will be attempting in class on the above-mentioned date. Please note that attendance is
2. Course Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate a critical
awareness of knowledge issues,
as the basis for original thinking;
encompassing current processes
of knowledge production
related to business research
Critically apply advanced skills
required in research, analysis,
evaluation of complex ideas,
information, concepts and/or
activities related to business
3. Assessment
Assessment Requirement:
You are required to attempt the below questions related to the Case Study “Protean Electric- Innovation upon Innovation”
1. Analyze the given case and examine if the Electric Vehicle (EV) innovation is about to revolutionize the car market. CLO2 (10 points)
2. Evaluate whether Protean can “ride the electric wave” or is in-wheel motor
technology a significant innovation in its own right. CLO2 (15 points)
3. If IWM technology is a radical innovation, propose the right marketing policies Protean can adopt and propose the proper criteria to develop its targeting strategy. CLO3 (15 points)
Requirements Requirement
Descriptors Weight CS1 CS2 CS3 CS4 CS5 Marks
CS-D1 Investigates the case in-depth, and within
its context 15% 3 3 6
CS-D2 The report analyses and appraises the
problems and issues presented in the case 20% 6 2 8
CS-D3 The report relates to the taught concepts
and theories. 25% 10 10
CS-D4 The report proposes suitable
recommendations and conclusion 30% 12 12
CS-D5 The report demonstrates clear, logical and
sequential arrangement of paragraphs. 10% 1 3 4
Assessment Marks 100% 10 15 15 0 0 40
Terms of Reference.
As a GUIDE ONLY, this section outlines some of the aspects you may consider significant given the
brief shown above. Your report should include:
a) Table of content
b) Introduction
c) Answer to question (1)
d) Answer to question (2)
e) Answer to question (3)
f) References
Total Word Count – 2000 Words.
Submission Date: 24TH March 2022 , Turnitin through LMS by on or before 23:59 hours
Approved by Dr Kiran Nair, Program Director-MBA, 22.02.2022
Assessment Rubric:
Descriptor 88-100 80-87 74-79 70-73 Fail 41-69 Fail 0-40
Investigates the case
in-depth, and within
its context
Weight – 15%
The report clearly and
effectively appraises the
student’s purpose and
effectively addresses the
assessment task in a
direct and succinct
The report clearly
expresses the student’s
purpose and addresses
the assessment task in a
direct manner.
The report partially
demonstrates student’s
purpose and addresses
most of the assessment
The report vaguely
demonstrates student’s
purpose and addresses
some of the assessment
The report lacks
evidence of student’s
purpose and of
addressing the
assessment tasks.
The report fails to
demonstrate students
purpose and to
address the
assessment tasks
The report lacks focus
The report
thoroughly analyses
and investigates
problems and issues
Weight – 20%
The report
demonstrates a
understanding and Indepth and thorough
analysis of all problems
and issues presented in
the case. Main concepts
are integrated into the
author’s own insides.
The report demonstrates
an understanding and
thorough analysis of most
of the issues presented in
the case. Consistent
connections are made
between the evidence
and the arguments.
The report demonstrates
general understanding
with superficial analysis
of some of the issues
presented in the case.
The paper is clear and
shows appropriate
statement of the
The report
demonstrates limited
understanding with
vague analysis of the
issues presented in the
case. The paper is clear
and shows arguable
statement of the
The report
demonstrates very
limited understanding
and incomplete analysis
of the issues presented
in the case.
The report
demonstrates the lack
of understanding and
inadequate analysis
of the issues
presented in the case.
The author is nor able
to apply the concepts
learned in the course.
The report clearly
relates to the taught,
concepts and
Weight – 25%
The report relates all
relevant concepts and
theories. Shows
exceptionally critical,
relevant and consistent
connections between
the evidence and the
The report relates most
of the relevant concepts
and theories. Shows
critical, relevant and
consistent connections
between the evidence
and the arguments.
The report relates some
of the relevant concepts
and theories. Shows
relevant and consistent
connections between the
evidence and the
The report is limited in
using the relevant
concepts and theories.
Shows limited on
connections between
the evidence and the
The report lacks
relevant concepts and
theories. Shows
connection between
the evidence and the
that may be not
relevant, accurate and
The reports shows
Information that has
little or nothing to do
with the arguments.
The report does not
flow and appears to
be created from
disparate issues.
The report proposes
suitable solutions and
Weight – 30%
The report proposes indepth and meaningful
solutions and
Draws original and
thoughtful conclusions
with future implications.
The report proposes
meaningful solutions and
recommendations. Some
of the conclusions,
however, are not
supported by evidence in
the report.
The report proposes
mundane solutions and
recommendations. Does
little more than to restate
the problematic issues in
The report proposes
limited solutions and/or
Mainly restate the
problematic issues in
The report lacks clear
solutions and
The report lacks any
solutions and
The report
demonstrates clear,
The report is composed
in an excellent logical
The report is composed in
a clear logical and
The written text
demonstrates a
The written text
demonstrates an
The report
demonstrates a
arrangement of
logical and sequential
arrangement of
paragraphs which
enhance the reader’s
understanding of the
Weight – 10%
and sequential manner,
which aids the readers
understanding. Basically
free from grammatical
and/or spelling and
formatting errors but do
not interfere with
sequential manner, which
aids the understanding of
the ideas presented.
Contains minor errors in
spelling, grammar,
sentence structure but
has limited interference
with comprehension.
sequential arrangement
of paragraphs, which aid
the reader’s
understanding the ideas
presented. Minor
spelling and grammar
mistakes and/or
inappropriate formatting.
arrangement of
paragraphs but not in a
logical or sequential
manner. Noticeable
spelling and grammar
mistakes and/or
confusing arrangement
of paragraphs. The lack
of organization makes
it difficult for a reader
to understand the ideas
paragraphs. Great
number of spelling
and/or grammar
mistakes, errors in
punctuation and/or
Approved by Dr Kiran Nair, Program Director-MBA, 22.02.2022
Assessment Marking Scheme:
Grading Scale
Letter Code Percentage
A 93–100
A- 88–92
B+ 84 – 87
B 80 – 83
B- 77 – 79
C+ 74 – 76
C 72–73
C- 70 –71
F Less than 70
Assessment Format:
One (electronic) copy to be submitted. Please use a front sheet which is uploaded in the
Submit your assignment in Microsoft Word only. No other file types will be accepted.
• Note that the plagiarism limit is 15%.
Standard academic presentation is required, including:
• Concise and appropriate language
• Fully referenced using the (APA) method, containing all sources used for each piece of
• Unless advised otherwise, all work should be spaced at 1.5, and handed in via the LMS
• Use the (Times New Roman) font, regular style and font size (12)
• Insert page numbers
4. Recommended Reading (Guide)
Text Book/s:
O’Reilly, Charles and Tushman, Michael (2021) L. Lead and Disrupt: How to
Solve the Innovator’s Dilemma. Stanford Business Books, ISBN-13:
Annex A

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