[SOLVED] Visual Analysis Essay Revision
Visual Analysis Essay Revision and Expansion
Your finished essay (at least 3 pages) must include the following:
➢ an introduction that briefly presents the artist and artwork you’re writing about, sets up the project of your essay, and presents an initial version of your argument;
➢ an argument in response to the proposal to hang the artwork at OCC, one that grows out
of and is supported by the various types of evidence you present in the essay;
➢ a thorough description, analysis, and interpretation of the artwork that revises and
improves the analysis from your in-class essay (see the in-class essay prompt for a reminder
about the criteria for this section of the essay—your in-class essay will need to be
thoroughly revised, both to strengthen the initial work, making use of my feedback, and to
fit the parameters of this new writing project);
➢ ideas, claims, and/or evidence from at least two outside sources, which you incorporate
seamlessly into your own discussion of the image and use to support your larger argument
(refer back to our discussion of appropriate sources for this assignment—you must engage
with reputable, relevant, reliable sources);
➢ a conclusion that sums up your stance on the proposal and makes a persuasive case for
whether this piece of art is worth bringing to OCC, one that grows logically out of the
discussion throughout the essay;
➢ a logically-structured discussion that shows the development of your argument from
beginning to end, using its organization to make clear the relationship between ideas and to
build toward and support your conclusion;
➢ an attention to style, grammar, and editing that also displays an awareness of your
audience, and correct use of at least three examples of hieroglyphics in three sentences
throughout the essay (please underline these sentences in your completed document). As
always, a passing grade on this essay presupposes that your writing is comprehensible to an
outside reader and free of major, severe recurring grammatical problems.
➢ a Works Cited page formatted in accordance with MLA guidelines (which does not count
toward the page requirement).
This assignment gives you the opportunity to revise and improve the description, analysis, and
interpretation of your chosen image from your timed essay while using it to advance a larger
assessment of and argument about the value of the artwork, which you’ll support through your own
analysis of the piece and using outside research in an essay of at least 3 pages.
An anonymous donor is considering offering OCC a blank check to cover the costs of exhibiting
your chosen artwork by J.J. Grandville, Sebastião Salgado, or Leonora Carrington in the Frank M.
Doyle Arts Pavilion on campus, but they want to be sure they’re spending their money on a piece of
art that deserves it. They’ve commissioned you to write a report that introduces the artwork to
someone who’s not familiar with it, that describes, analyzes, and interprets the visual image, and that
makes an argument about the significance and value of this work and the advisability of exhibiting it
on campus. You’ll need to decide what recommendation to give the donor: is this an important
enough work of art that they should move forward with the proposal and pay for the exhibit? Or
should they withhold the money because the work isn’t impressive enough and/or doesn’t fit the
interests of the OCC community? To provide support for your proposal, you’ll need to revise and
strengthen your analysis and interpretation of the image so that it helps you to build toward this
essay’s new argument and conclusion. You’ll also need to research the artwork and other relevant
information, and use at least two outside sources to help you support your argument.Writing Center
If you did not complete a Writing Center visit while working on your “They Say” Portfolio,
remember that you must do so before the due date for this essay. Failure to complete a Writing
Center visit will result in a five-point deduction from your final grade on this essay.
You have three options for how to fulfill this requirement:
➢ You can schedule a 30-minute, one-on-one appointment with a writing tutor to go over your
draft-in-progress and get help as you are writing and revising the essay before the November
12th deadline.
➢ You can complete a DLA (Directed Learning Activity) at the Writing Center (which you’ll
work on individually and then go over with a tutor), targeting a specific skill set you need to
practice. If your essays tend to exhibit frequent comma splices or sentence fragments, for
example, these would be great target areas to work on through a DLA, or if you need further
quotation sandwiching practice to review Unit 1 skills, there are several related DLAs.
➢ You can attend one of the extra support workshops that I’ll be holding outside of class to
review and practice skills that the essay assignment includes. Dates and topics for these
workshops TBA.
Important Dates
❖ Monday, April 11th: List of Sources due by start of class
Your list, which you should upload to Canvas before the start of class, should include at
least three possible sources for your essay that are relevant and of interest to you. You
should list the source by providing a complete bibliographic citation formatted
according to MLA guidelines, followed by a few sentences about each source that
answer the following questions: What kind of source is this? What is it about? If the
author makes an argument, what does she claim? What information or ideas about your
topic are most important. (See the “List of Sources” file on Canvas for more specific
instructions and tips for assembling and producing this list.)
❖ Monday, April 18th: Essay draft due by start of class
Upload your full revised and expanded essay draft to Canvas and bring a printed copy to
class. To receive credit for this draft assignment and to participate in the revision activities,
your draft should be at least 2.5 pages long and contain the required components of the
❖ Friday, April 22nd: Essay due by 5:00 pm
Your completed essay is due on Canvas by 5:00 pm on April 22nd. Your essay should be 3
pages in length. You should not expect to receive a passing grade on this essay if your
paper fails to meet the length requirement. Please follow all formatting guidelines
outlined in “How to format your essay.” Don’t forget to include a Works Cited page in
accordance with MLA guidelines (which does not count toward the page requirement for
the essay). Visual Analysis Essay Revision Visual Analysis Essay Revision Visual Analysis Essay Revision Visual Analysis Essay Revision Visual Analysis Essay Revision
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