[SOLVED]medieval art objects with similar themes from the Louvre and/or the Cluny Museum

[SOLVED]medieval art objects with similar themes from the Louvre and/or the Cluny Museum

This is a paper for which you will compare two medieval art objects with similar themes from the Louvre and/or the Cluny Museum. You may “mix and match” between the two museums, as long as you follow the same theme (i.e., Virgin & Child, Suffering Christ, Rulers/Heads). *If you use objects from the Louvre, please go and see them live; the Cluny is slated to open at some point this Spring, but I don’t know exactly when.* Take advantage of being able to see the objects!! It makes a big difference in your papers.
Choose a pair from the objects listed below under any ONE of the three themes, and compare the two works you selected:
I.​The Virgin and Child.
Virgin and Child in Majesty, from the Auvergne, second 1/4 of
the 12th century. Polychromed wood. R.F. 987. Romanesque.
Virgin of Jeanne d’Evreux, before 1349. Gothic. MR 342, MR 419. Gothic metalwork and enamel.
Virgin and Child from the Sainte-Chapelle, ivory, before 1279. Gothic ivory.
Analyze and compare the sculptural works. Consider their primary features, including medium, size, position, appearance from different perspectives, the central axis, details, color, clothing, etc. How effectively did the sculptor convey the relationship between the mother and child in each case?
II. The Suffering Christ.
Christ detached from the cross, 2nd ¼ of 12th c., Burgundy, polychromed wood, R.F. 1082. Romanesque.
Descent from the cross, Paris, ca. 1270-80, polychromed and gilded ivory, OA 3935. Gothic.
Analyze and compare the two works. Consider the primary features, including materials, size, position, axis, different perspectives, facial expressions, fall of drapery, color, etc. How did each sculptor convey the grief of Christ’s crucifixion?
III. Rulers.
Equestrian statue of Charlemagne or Charles the Bald, 9th c., OA 8260, Carolingian bronze.
Scepter of King Charles V, 1364?-1380, MS 83, Gothic metalwork.
King Childebert, Founder of Saint-Germain-des-Prés Abbey, 1239-44, M.L. 93, Gothic stone sculpture.
King Charles V and Jeanne de Bourbon, 1365-80, R.F. 1377. Gothic stone sculpture.
King Charles IV and Jeanne d’Evreux, by Jean de Liège, ca. 1371-72. R.F. 1436, R.F. 1437. Gothic marble sculpture.
Analyze and compare these depictions of rulers. Consider the formal aspects such as geometric shapes, lines, remaining colors, and the relationship between stylized and organic forms. What sort(s) of message(s) are conveyed to the viewer through these images? How is each one shown to be powerful?
Choose a pair from the objects listed below under any ONE of the three themes, and compare the two works you selected:
I.​The Virgin and Child.
Cl. 9270. Virgin and Child in Majesty, from the Auvergne, last 1/4 of
the 12th century. Polychromed wood. Romanesque.
Cl. 398. Seated Virgin and Child, Mosan region?, ca. 1220-1230, ivory. Gothic.
Cl. 1954. Standing Virgin and Child, Ile-de-France, mid-13th century, ivory. Gothic.
Cl. 19254. Standing Virgin and Child, France, mid-14th century. Gothic.
Analyze and compare the sculptural works. Consider their primary features, including medium, size, position, appearance from different perspectives, the central axis, details, color, clothing, etc. How effectively did the sculptor convey the relationship between the mother and child in each case?
IV. The Crucifixion.
Cl. 2149. Crucifixion from the Auvergne, end of 12th century,
polychromed wood. Romanesque.
Cl. 23409. Crucifixion from Le Puy (Haute-Loire), end of 12th century, polychromed wood. Romanesque.
DS 1881. Stained glass from the Ste.-Chapelle, Crucifixion, ca. 1275. Gothic.
Cl. 3413. Crucifixion, ca. 1305-25, wood panel, painted and gilded. Gothic.
Analyze and compare the two works. Consider the primary features, including materials, size, position, axis, different perspectives, facial expressions, fall of drapery, color, etc. How did the artist convey either the grief of Christ’s crucifixion, or His triumph over death?
V. Heads!!!
Off with their heads!
Cl. 22988. Head of a King of Judah, Paris, ca. 1220-1230. Originally from the west façade of Notre-Dame, Paris, discovered in 1977 at the Hôtel Moreau. High Gothic.
Cl. 23415. Head of a Prophet – fragment of a column-statue from St. Denis, ca. 1137-1140. Stone. Originally from the right-hand portal of the façade of the Abbey of St. Denis. Very Early Gothic.
Analyze and compare the heads. Consider the formal aspects such as geometric shapes, lines, remaining colors, and the relationship between stylized and organic forms. What sort(s) of message(s) are conveyed to the viewer through these heads? How is the head shown in each case to be a site of power?
Keep in mind that this is a museum paper about looking, analyzing and writing. No extensive research is necessary for this paper. The museum’s official website + the textbook + Smarthistory or Oxford art online is absolutely fine. Information taken from any source MUST be properly cited with footnotes, endnotes, or internal citations. Failure to cite sources properly will lead to a significantly lower, or perhaps even a failing, grade on the assignment. Anything that is not direct, personal observation or common knowledge REQUIRES a citation, by the end of the paragraph at the latest!!
All papers should be ca. 5 pages in length, double-spaced with standard margins. Pages must be numbered. *You must also include the two images you are comparing at the end of your paper.*
Since this is a short paper, concise writing and organization will be essential to a thorough analysis. I recommend making an outline before you start writing to make sure that each paragraph stays within one theme. You should also have a clear introduction and conclusion. Please see me or e-mail me if you have any questions about the assignment, the writing, or the format, or if you would like to choose different objects to compare. Do not hesitate to give me a rough draft of your paper (please do this ONE WEEK before the due-date), or to consult the writing resource center at the ARC in the Quai or online. Bonne chance!

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