[SOLVED] Using Social Media In Business

[SOLVED] Using Social Media In Business

Unit 3: Using Social Media In Business

Unit 3 Using Social Media in Business Learning Aims B_C version 1 20 Jan 2020

Learning aim(s) (For NQF only) B: Develop a plan to use social media in a business to meet requirements
C: Implement the use of social media in a business.
Assignment title Evaluating the use of social media in business.


Issue date

Hand in deadline


Vocational Scenario or Context The local chamber of commerce has many members who run small businesses The members are interested in using social media to promote their businesses but know very little about it. The chamber of commerce has approached your school/college as they understand learners study a unit on social media in business. Following on from the presentation on social media you produced for the chamber of commerce, one of the small businesses has asked you to plan and implement the use of social media within their business.


Task 1 You need to:
Identify the business aims and how it wants to use social media to meet them.
Produce a plan to use social media in a business, annotated to justify the planning choices that have been made. The plan should identify a target audience and a keyword strategy. It should include a posting schedule with timescales identified.
Provide evidence that you have reviewed the plan with the business owner (or your tutor acting as the business owner) and improved the plan based on the feedback you have been given.
Produce a written evaluation of both the plan you create and its implementation against the requirements that the business has.
Produce optimised content for posting on social media which follows the plan you have developed, annotated to show how it takes into account the target audience.
Review data that has been collected from social media sites about the postings that have been made, explaining which posts have created the most interaction.

Checklist of evidence required Annotated plan including purpose and aims, identified target audience, keyword strategy and posting schedule
Evidence that the plan has been reviewed including original and improved versions of the plan
An evaluation of the plan
Annotated postings
Review of data on social media postings

Criteria covered by this task:
Unit/Criteria reference To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:
3/BC.D2 Evaluate the plan and against business requirements.
3/BC.D3 Demonstrate individual responsibility, creativity, and effective self-management in the planning and
3/B.M2 Justify planning decisions made, showing how the plan will fulfil its purpose and business requirements.
3/C.M3 Optimise the content, format and features of social media which meet the requirements of the plan.
3/B.P3 Produce a plan to to meet its business requirements.
3/B.P4 Review the plan with others in order to identify and inform improvements.
3/C.P5 Produce business-related content using appropriate features of social media which meet the requirements of the plan.
3/C.P6 Review data obtained on and interaction.

Sources of information to support you with this Assignment
Social Media Examiner is one of many blog sites with lots of up-to-date articles about
Social Media Today also focuses on
Mashable is blog site with a UK based version with lots of up-to-date articles on social media: mashable.com/social-media/
Articles from the UK Guardian newspaper on a wide range of issues related to social media: www.theguardian.com/media/social-media

Above are some examples of websites. Further useful resources may be found at http://qualifications.pearson.com/en/support/published-resources.html#step1

Other assessment materials attached to this Assignment Brief eg, work sheets, risk assessments, case study
















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