[SOLVED] The role common law plays in healthcare in the United States
HSA405 Discussions
Each week is a separate topic/assignment. The discussion can be 3-7 sentences each. It is okay to be brief.
Healthcare Policy and Law Week3
Interpret the role common law plays in healthcare in the United States. Assess the level at which common law has impacted overall decisions related to healthcare policy. Provide two specific examples to support your rationale.
Healthcare Policy and Law Week4
Analyze two changes to Medicaid and to the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIPs) resulting from the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Explain the impact these changes had on Medicare eligibility and the CHIP insurance model. Provide examples to illustrate the impact of such change to support your analysis.
HSA320 Discussions
Each week is a separate topic/assignment. The discussion can be 3-7 sentences each. It is okay to be brief.
Healthcare Human Resource Management Week3
Discuss at least two reasons why job analysis is often described as the foundation of human resources management.
Provide specific examples to support your rationale.
Healthcare Human Resource Management Week5
Analyze two ethical and legal considerations in using standardized interviews or employment tests that assess aptitude, attitude, honesty, and personality during the selection process.
Provide specific examples to support your rationale.
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