[SOLVED] Review a news article

[SOLVED] Review a news article

Review a news article (your choice) regarding a local issue (US) that you find either in a local newspaper or on a news-based website (make sure that the newspaper/website is credible and reputable). Avoid TV or Radio sites, as we’ll go to those later in the book.
Write a short essay (minimum 600 words total) that analyzes the story and discusses the following key issues. Make sure that you properly mark each part in your response. Also post the weblink or picture/PDF of the original article you are reviewing.
1. Analyze the article for overall structure, including the beginning, the middle and the end of the piece.
a    Does the lead grab you and make you want to read on?
b    Is the middle tight or flabby?
c    Does the piece end well or does it look as though the writer just stopped writing?
d    Does the piece have flow or or is it choppy?
2. Also, review the quotes in terms of value and structure.
a    Are the direct quotes set up well or do they repeat the paraphrase that introduces them?
b    Are they intriguing and interesting or are they something that a writer should have paraphrased?

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