[SOLVED] Research paper about observation of  a workplace and workers at  public

[SOLVED] Research paper about observation of  a workplace and workers at  public

Hi, this is a short research paper about observation of  a workplace and workers at  public, I include the instructors, course lectures and  an example I found. You can find them in the attachment.
Field observation instructions:
Part 1: Observe at a distance a scene at a publicly-accessible (could be digital/online) place
where work is going on over a period of time (less than 1 hour). Describe the setting and
what is unfolding there as if in a play or a movie: give a description of the physical setting
and ambience, the participants, and their observable behaviors. The purpose is to convey
what is happening in this work space without including your own interpretations and
speculations (you can include diagrams if relevant or helpful).
Part 2: What kind of inferences can you make about what is happening using materials
we’ve read and concepts we’ve learned in the course, or on the basis of your own inference?
Please write Part 1 and 2 in the form of a short paper or memo to me (750 words), due
November 29. Please submit the exercise in canvas.
The purpose of this assignment is for you to:
▪ experience the process of observing the social worlds of other people
▪ practice techniques of qualitative data collection: field observation and field notetaking
▪ practice deductive analysis of qualitative data: what does it mean?
The knowledge you are seeking to produce is to:
▪ describing phenomena: events, objects, people, and spaces
▪ explaining what these mean: what they are “examples of” in the context of materials we’ve
read in this class
Please carefully consider the ethical considerations for field research on human subjects:
The call of this assignment is to observe what is happening non-obtrusively in a public place where
work is happening. Online places that do not require membership or special access count as public.
This kind of research observation should not involve interaction with other people, and therefore
does not require voluntariness or informed consent. I realize that some of you may be observing
work based on your co-op experiences, or may find yourself in a situation where you end up
interacting with the person whose work you are observing (to be clear: this is not the call of the
assignment). Where we enter non-public places or obtrusively observe, such as by talking to people
(formally called interviewing) – when we interact with other human beings – as researchers, we
are ethically obligated to consider these people participants in our research and to ensure that their
participation is voluntary and done with informed consent:
Voluntariness means:
– you explain the purpose of your research
– you explain what will happen with the data you collect
Informed consent means:
– you ask if the person is willing to participate in what you have described
– you ask if they consent for the data to be used as you have specified
– you record this consent
Fulfilling your ethical responsibility as a researcher means:
– you honestly represent the research you are doing
– you anonymize the data obtained
– you honor requests to stop the research at any time
– you ask your research collaborator/interlocutor/informant (the person you’ve studied)
by asking at the end: “do you have any questions for me?” and answer those questions

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