[SOLVED] Recall the short film, “Life and Death of three seagull eggs by the sea” (2014).
Answer one of the two questions. In your answer make sure you make reference to at least 2 assigned texts from the course reader. For example: (Reader, page 140). Minimum, 900 words; Maximum,1000 words, including references. You can choose any citation style (i.e. MLA), as long as it is consistent. Number your pages.
Recall the short film, “Life and Death of three seagull eggs by the sea” (2014). How do you think Gillo Pontecorvo’s “Battle of Algiers” (1966) uses the visual techniques of Kiarostami’s short film? Make sure you reference the reader (at least 2 references).
Compare and contrast Palestinian and Israeli cinemas? Make sure you to reference the reader and April 28th lecture, at least 2 references to the reader.
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