[SOLVED] Process of conducting a thorough literature review..

[SOLVED] Process of conducting a thorough literature review..

The purpose of this research project was to teach you the entire process of conducting a thorough literature review, crafting a hypothesis based on a reading of that literature, designing an experiment to test that hypothesis, analyzing the data, and discussing how those data support or refute what we know about our research topic. In short, this assignment was designed to teach you how to be a researcher. In class we have discussed the background for our study and by the time you finish this paper you will have read at least four (ideally many more) research articles related to your study. As a class we designed our study and collected our data. Those data have now been analyzed and discussed in the classroom and it is time to put together a formal report on these findings. Thankfully, you have already written most of the background and proposed method for this study. As such, the first job you have is to make changes, corrections, and revisions to the Introduction and Method section (and any other sections) of your graded Research Proposal. You will be turning this in, along with the grade sheet, with your Final Research Paper. The next step is to report your findings, evaluate both their impact as well as the generalizability and limitations of your study, and make plans for future research directions that follow from these data.

The assignment:
Complete the second research article analysis assignment on relevant articles of your choosing.
Make revisions, corrections, changes to your Research Proposal.
Write an APA style Results section describing the pattern of effects we observed in our data. Remember this requires a graphical form (you are required to create both a Table and a Figure and to include these in the Appendix), a statistical form (reporting the results of hypothesis tests), and narrative form (describing the patterns in plain English).
Write a thorough Discussion that addresses the importance of the findings, their relevance to existing theory discussed in the Introduction, and potential limitations of the research design, participants, etc. The Discussion (and possibly your Introduction) should include reference to research that you have found in your second article analyses as well as independent research.
Turn in a Final Research Paper with Title Page, Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, References, and Appendix (with at least one Table and at least one Figure).
Collect a full set of data from at least 8 participants. Collected more? Extra credit is likely.

More Details
No specific page requirement maximum but as a guideline, 12-16 pages of written text is a good target length (that does not include title page, abstract, or references)
Both the Research Proposal (Introduction and Method) and Final Paper will be submitted via Canvas and checked for plagiarism.
Times New Roman or Calibri, 12pt font, double-spaced, 1” margins.
Use APA 7th ed. for all references, section headings, and other formatting and language.
Absolutely no quotations are allowed!!


Revisions to Previous Paper
All necessary corrections to the Introduction have been made without adding new errors.

All necessary corrections to the Method have been made without adding new errors.

All necessary corrections to APA Style have been made without adding new errors.

Total for Revisions:
Summarizes importance of research, including important methodological and data details, and
major impacts in less than 250 words.

Total for Abstract:
Remind reader of hypotheses.

Conduct and report all appropriate statistical tests for all hypotheses.

Clearly summarize main effects and interactions, avoiding theoretical interpretation.

Make clear reference to table(s) and figure(s)


Total for Results:
Theoretical conclusions. How do your data (dis)agree with existing research? For example,
what theories are supported or called into question?

Real-world implications. Obviously we conducted this study to learn about real-world
behaviors. What have we learned from this study about those behaviors?

Identify any limitations of your study, participants, setting, and generalizability.

What future directions are there for your study? No study answers all questions. What
questions remain to be answered in future research on this topic?

Writing Style & APA Format
References Page is in correct APA 7th ed. format.
Structure, headers, in-text citations are in correct APA 6th ed. format.
Paper is free from grammatical and spelling errors.
Overall writing is concise, informative, clear, and generally well-written.

Total for Style & Format:

Additional Details
Table(s) and Figure(s) are clear
Tasks were voted on to determine research project design.

Data were collected from all eight participants and turned in on time.
Second research article analysis completed and on-time.


Total for Additional Details:

Total for Revisions: /50
Total for Abstract: /15
Total for Results: /40
Total for Discussion: /75
Total for Style & Format: /20
Total for Additional Details: /50

Total Grade on Final Research Paper

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