[SOLVED] Policy/program proposal
Policy/program proposal (instructions)
If you could talk to your senators or congressional representatives, what is one of the top issues that you think they should address in order to promote the health and welfare of Americans in middle and/or late adulthood, and why? And what policy, program, or other initiative would you propose as a means of addressing it?
A few things to note:
This is not meant to be a forum to offer commentary on individual politicians, or to share your thoughts about general issues such as raising taxes. Instead, I want you to focus on policies and programs that have the potential to generally improve the lives of Americans in middle and/or late adulthood.
In addition, please don’t focus on incredibly broad issues such as “affordable health care” or “helping people with financial problems.” Instead, I’d want to see you go for a narrower scope, such as “preventing diabetes” or “helping people learn to better manage their finances.” I hope the distinction makes sense here, but if you’re not sure, you can always email me about a proposed topic.
Clearly you’re never going to find a single solution that will completely eliminate the problem. But you do need to be able to show that your proposed solution will make a significant difference for a significant number of people.
As long as you don’t go overboard you can assume that you’ve got a really large budget, and that we live in a magical fantasy world where politicians will all agree to listen to you as the expert.
You will need to cite your textbook and/or outside sources to justify:
Why your issue is an important one
Why your proposed solution is likely to be effective. One way to do this is to find an example of an existing program (or law, policy, or other initiative) that’s been shown to be effective already, but that isn’t already in place throughout the entire U.S. Another option is to create your own program, based on (a) what we know of adult development, and (b) what research tells us about the types of programs that are likely to be effective.
Obviously you can’t account for every possibility, but you need to be able to explain why your proposal is likely to have a significant impact. For example, in the past I have had students suggest free gym memberships or free cooking classes as a way to get people to exercise more or eat healthier. That’s all well and good, but I’d want to see an explanation of how you would get people to actually go to the gym, or actually take those cooking classes and then use the knowledge.
You can support your claims by citing your text (in which case you need to include page or module numbers) and/or reputable outside sources.
By “reputable,” I mean that your sources don’t necessarily need to be scholarly articles, but they do need to be from sources that have credibility due to recent data, expertise of the authors, etc. The CRAAP test will give you more information about the criteria you can use to evaluate sources.
Your paper should be about 3-5 pages, double-spaced. The quality of your paper is much more important than the length.
Grading criteria
Have you clearly justified why your issue is important to a significant number of Americans in middle and/or late adulthood?
Have you described your proposed solution in enough detail that its basic premise or setup is clear? Have you justified why this proposed solution is likely to be effective?
Have you provided references to support your claims?
Have you properly cited your sources? This includes both in-text citations, as well as a reference list at the end of your paper in APA format. For assistance with this, see the Purdue University APA Formatting and Style Guide (Links to an external site.).
Is your writing free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors? Is your writing clear and well-organized? Remember, it’s not enough to just have good ideas. You have to also be able to communicate them effectively without making the reader guess at your meaning
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