[SOLVED] Online Training Program Design Project
Proposal: Online Training Program Design Project
This individual project will enhance your program designing skills and practical knowledge. You will act as a trainer or independent instructional designer to develop a short online training program or a subset of a large program for organizations. For the topic of this project, you may come up with ideas of a familiar and interested subject or entirely redesign a face-to-face training program you took before. The length of the online training program you design should be 1-3 hours in total. This assignment is not to discuss online training in general or review an existing program but to actually make a real online training program by yourself. Simply converting an in-person lecture to a zoom-based lecture is not allowed as well. In addition, you should be aware that an organizational training program for this project is different from workshops, educational lectures, and athletic training in terms of purpose, intensity, practicality, and structure.
For details about proposal components, see the below:
Background and context of the training program (this can be hypothetical)
The information about the organization, trainees, and other key stakeholders
The needs for the training program
Training program nature
Mode (e.g., synchronous and/or asynchronous)
Why certain mode(s) are selected and how they are applied to the training program.
Brief development plan
Estimate training time
The number of training modules and their focus
Required resources (technological tools, instructors/facilitators, learning materials, budget, etc.)
The learning objectives (may use the taxonomy uploaded on Canvas).
Behaviorist/cognitivist learning objective(s)
Constructivist learning objective(s)
Collaborativist learning objective(s)
You should include at least one behaviorist or cognitivist, constructivist, and collaborativist learning objective. Even though a certain learning perspective may not work well for your topic, try to make objectives with four different perspectives for practice. All the learning objectives should be aligned with the purpose of the program and modules to be used.
Anticipated challenges in developing this program and how to address them
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