[SOLVED] Non-violence and violence

[SOLVED] Non-violence and violence

2.    Non-violence and violence have both been used as tactics for civil disobedience and mass movements of political resistance. Which is the more compelling tactic and why? In composing your answer be sure to analyze the political writings of both Gandhi and Fanon.
In response to ONE of the following topics, write a thoughtful and well-organized essay. The essay should be between 3 and 5 pages, typed, and double-spaced. No outside research is required, just close and careful attention to the text(s).
You are expected to respond to the topic of your choice by writing answers that make frequent and specific reference to the text in order to support your argument. Remember to cite the text where appropriate, using parenthetical citations.  Do not respond to the topic with a simple summary of the text and do not provide your informal and personal opinions on the questions. You must make your arguments through a careful analysis of the text, relying on textual evidence to build your case, in the form of quotations, paraphrases etc. All arguments and claims you make must be supported by an interpretation of the text. It is essential that you synthesize your thoughts about the question into a critical assessment of the issue, encapsulated in a THESIS.  The best papers will present and defend a sharp, argumentative thesis about the texts, rather than recounting or restating the arguments in the texts.
you can only quote from the two attached documents below. you must compare non violence and violence civil disobedience through Gandhi and Fanon but only from the attached files.

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