[SOLVED] Needs Analysis & Diagnostic Assessment
Needs Analysis & Diagnostic Assessment – Ana
1) Read the task directions and rubric below to understand how you will be evaluated.
2) Working outside of Moodle, type and save your work (e.g. MS Word, Google Docs).
3) Scroll down and click on Add Submission.
4) Find your completed task on your computer and drag and drop the file into the space provided OR upload it using the “add” icon.
5) Check Posting- Check the forum to see that your task was posted by the course calendar due date.
6) Check Grade- Once graded, your feedback and score can be viewed by scrolling to the bottom of this page.
Part A: Select & Review a Learner
In part A, select one of the three learners to use in your analysis. Access their assessments below and review all text and videos in the document.
I choose Ana
Part B: Answer Questions
In Part B, you will critically evaluate your selected learner through a series of targeted questions. Use or recreate the Final Project Template to write out your answers (the same questions are provided below in the tabs). Be sure to address all parts of the prompts and cite according to your instructors preferences.
Needs Analysis
1. Summarize the results of the needs analysis. In your summary, describe at least two characteristics you learned about the background of the ESL learner that can be incorporated into lessons created specifically for this learner. Write between 100-300 words.
2. Review the reading test. List 1-2 questions that were answered correctly and 1-2 questions that were answered incorrectly by the learner. Hypothesize reasons for the learner’s incorrect answer(s) (e.g., problems in bottom up/top-down processing, faulty question(s), lacking schema). Provide examples from the reading test and Chapter 7 to justify your response. Write between 100-300 words.
3. Review the reading proficiency descriptions on the ACTFL website. Using the information from the learner’s reading assessment, recommend an ACTFL proficiency level and sub-level in reading (e.g., Advanced Mid, Novice High). Reference the learner’s assessment and the ACTFL proficiency descriptions to support your answer. Write between 100-300 words.
4. Review the listening test. List 1-2 questions that were answered correctly and 1-2 questions that were answered incorrectly by the learner. Hypothesize reasons for the learner’s incorrect answer(s) (e.g., problems in bottom up/top-down processing, faulty question(s), lacking schema). Provide examples from the reading test and Chapter 7 to justify your response.
5. Review the listening proficiency descriptions on the ACTFL website. Using the information from the learner’s listening assessment, recommend an ACTFL proficiency level and sub-level in listening (e.g., Advanced Mid, Novice High). Reference the learner’s assessment and the ACTFL proficiency descriptions to support your answer. Write between 100-300 words.
6. Review the speaking test. What is your assessment of the learner’s speaking accuracy (i.e., grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary) and fluency (i.e., speed and communicative competency)? Do you feel one was stronger/weaker than the other? Reference examples from the speaking assessment and Chapter 8 to justify your response. Write between 100-300 words.
7. Review the speaking proficiency descriptions on the ACTFL website. Using the information from the learner’s speaking assessment, recommend an ACTFL proficiency level and sub-level in speaking (e.g., Advanced Mid, Novice High). Reference the learner’s assessment and the ACTFL proficiency descriptions to support your answer. Write between 100-300 words.
8. Review the writing test. Score the writing submission on this writing rubric. Then, provide brief rationale for your scores and comments. Write between 100-200 words.
9. Review the writing proficiency descriptions on the ACTFL website. Using the information from the learner’s writing assessment, recommend an ACTFL proficiency level and sub-level in writing (e.g., Advanced Mid, Novice High). Reference the learner’s assessment and the ACTFL proficiency descriptions to support your answer. Write between 100-300 words.
Final Reflection
10. Reflect on this final project. Identify and describe 1-3 concepts you learned about administering and evaluating needs analyses and diagnostic assessments. How might you use any information gained through this final project in your future EFL/ESL career? Write between 200-400 words.
Final Project Rubric- 100 points
Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaching Expectations Below Expectations
Needs Analysis Question (1). Response thoroughly describes at least two characteristics from the learner’s needs analysis and explains how they can be incorporated into tailored lessons. Critical thinking is evident. Text meets word requirements.
Reading Questions (2-3). For Question 2, writer shows good use of examples, evidence, and support from the reading assessment and Chapter 7 to analyze test answers. For Question 3, response references reading assessments and ACTFL website to recommend a level and sub-level. Text meets task word requirements where applicable.
Listening Questions (4-5). For Question 4, writer shows good use of examples, evidence, and support from the listening assessment and Chapter 7 to analyze test answers. For Question 5, response references listening assessments and ACTFL website to recommend a level and sub-level. Text meets task word requirements where applicable.
Speaking Questions (6-7). For Question 6, writer shows good use of examples, evidence, and support from the speaking assessment and Chapter 8 to assess learners accuracy and fluency. For Question 7, response references speaking assessments and ACTFL website to recommend a level and sub-level. Text meets task word requirements where applicable.
Writing Questions (8-9). For Question 8, writer uses provided rubric to score writing submission, providing comments for student and justification for scores. For Question 9, response shows good use of examples, evidence, and support from the writing assessment and ACTFL website to recommend a level and sub-level. Text meets task word requirements where applicable.
Final Reflection Question (10). Response thoroughly describes 1-3 concepts learned about administering and evaluating needs analyses and diagnostic assessments. Writer describes how information gained from final project might be used in their future EFL/ESL career. Critical thinking is evident. Text meets task word requirement.
Mechanics. Text contains no significant errors in the mechanics of English language conventions. Appropriate citations are included if applicable.
Timeliness. Task is submitted in the correct digital format by the due date (tasks turned in four days past the due date are not accepted). On time 1 day late 2 days late 3 days late Needs Analysis & Diagnostic Assessment Needs Analysis & Diagnostic Assessment Needs Analysis & Diagnostic Assessment
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