[SOLVED] My topic for this project is poverty and its relationship to crime
I will upload the directions for the paper. You have to find the data needed for the paper yourself. Below is the topic and discussion post:
-My topic for this project is poverty and its relationship to crime. Poverty and crime go hand in hand, where poverty acts as the independent value and crime acts as a dependent value. It is seen statistically that areas with high levels of poverty have the highest rates of crime. This is due to people committing crimes either for their needs, like petty theft, or due to the lack of not knowing any better. Poverty areas have people that usually don’t get higher education or they drop out of school and get involved with gangs. These all lead to them committing crimes. I chose this topic because recently, there has been a surge of crimes in NYC that I believe are due to poverty. This is because, most of these crimes began when COVID took place, which kept many people from working. To add on, it has also increased when the stimulus checks also stopped coming in. People are struggling with money due to high inflation which is also leading to these crimes.
-Question 1: Have you established the correlation determination of the topic?
Yes, there is a positive correlation.
a) Is the correlation positive when y tends to increase and negative when y tends to decrease?
Yes, as there is an increase in poverty, there is also an increase in crimes. The same goes for when there is a decrease in poverty, it would also decrease crime.
b) Does the preciseness of the shift in y as x increases determine the strength of the linear correlation?
Yes, it does because it is a linear relationship. In this relationship, if the x increases then y increases as well.
Question 2: Is the coefficient of linear relationship, r, (the numerical measure of the strength of the linear relationship between the two variables) well established?
Yes, it is well established because as the independent variable, poverty, increases, the dependent variable, crimes, also increases.
a) Have you already established linear functional forms (Single/Multiple regression)
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