[SOLVED] Multi-disciplinary space engineering for developing and analysing space missions
Coursework Specification – Individual
Observational CubeSat
Learning Outcomes
The Module Learning Outcomes are to:
Integrate a wide and mission driven knowledge base of multi-disciplinary space engineering for developing and analysing space missions (SM1p, SM3p, EP4p)
Conceive, define and evaluate space missions (EA4p)
Use a variety of simulation tools for mission and vehicle design from concept to operation (SM2p, EA3p)
Validate and analyse designs created in the operating space environment and in planetary atmospheres. (EA2p, D3p, ET4p)
The aim of the project is to provide some experience of designing a mission for outer space. Space missions are complicated with many disciplines involved and often rely on the expertise of a large number of engineers and scientists, often across various countries.
In this module we look at one experiment as the payload on a CubeSat in Low Earth Orbit using accepted professional system engineering methods, and industry standard technical approaches.
The experiment should be the use of a chosen sensor to observe either the ground or the atmosphere. The information gathered should be relayed back to Earth.
You are required to study an aspect of planning an Earth observational mission of a 2U/3U CubeSat from concept to compliance (i.e. end of mission). The payload is a sensor. It is recommended to concentrate on the initial parts of the cubesat mission including the orbit and the sensor.
In order to map out what is required for this assignment, you are strongly advised to talk with the lecturers supporting this module before you start and to maintain contact during the work.
You must decide on the following:
The CubeSat must be 2U or 3U
The equipment used should be “Commercial off the shelf” as much as possible.
The CubeSat is assumed to be launched on a typical commercial rocket.
What your payload is.
Depending on what aspect you are taking on to study, aspects to consider are:
How the cubesat works and what it needs to function,
What systems and materials your payload is comprised of,
How it is contained in the CubeSat,
For how long your experiment will last,
When the CubeSat will switch on and when it finishes,
What trajectory you want it to take,
How it will be launched,
An estimate of how much it will cost,
How it will be disposed of after its mission is completed in a legal and safe fashion.
Also consider whether the following are applicable to your aspect. For example the need to prove the cubesat:
will successfully reach orbit,
will operate successfully and not get too cold or too hot,
will not break up,
will stay in the chosen orbit and not leave the orbit too early,
will be stable in its orbit,
will be able to communicate with the home base,
will receive and transmit all required data at the correct time on the selected frequencies.
Project Structure
The viva is worth 25% and the report 75%. Note that this module is a “two-component” module, where the viva is component A, and the report is component B of the module.
In order to pass the module (from the UWE regulations):
“If a student achieves less than 35% in a component, has a mark of 40% or higher for the module and has a resit available, they must resit that component. If the student achieves between 35% but less than 40% in both of the components, they cannot achieve the module pass mark and if eligible, must resit both components.”
Both the report and the viva will be allotted individual marks.
Submission/Report Information
The submission deadline is 2pm on July 18th
Your submission will be run through SafeAssign to help assess originality.
Your submission will be graded according to the marking criteria listed at the end of this specification.
Submission Requirements and Files
The assessments are:
An individual report of maximum 2000 words.
A reflective statement limited to 500 words and this limit is not considered part of the 2000 word report.
An individual viva of up to 30 minutes which is held online after the report deadline.
The word limit for the report is 2000 words including abstract and text in the main body of the report and appendices.
Information on Figures, diagrams and tables are exempt from the word count.
Nomenclature, glossary, abbreviations, references and bibliography are also exempt from the word count.
The report should be in a font no less than 10pt with “normal” MS Word margins.
The submitted format must be in .doc or ,pdf format
Plagiarism, Collusion, Contract Cheating, Falsification and Fabrication
Please note that plagiarism, collusion, contract cheating, falsification and fabrication are assessment offences. Ensure you are familiar with this policy (see http://www2.uwe.ac.uk/services/Marketing/about-us/pdf/Policies/Assessment_offences_policy.pdf)
At the time of writing, the policy lists some (but not exclusively) examples of plagiarism as
“Copying from another person’s work without the use of quotation marks;
“Copying from another person’s work without referencing/acknowledgement of the sources;
“Summarising another person’s work by simply changing a few words or altering the order of presentation, without acknowledgement;
“Paraphrasing material from a source without acknowledging the original author;
“Presenting concepts or designs that have been created by others without acknowledging the original source;
“Copying another student’s work with or without their knowledge or agreement (this may also be deemed as collusion);
“Using computer code created by another person without appropriate referencing;
“Downloading material from the web and submitting it as your own work;”
Hints, Additional Details, Tips and FAQs
Please ask the module tutors if you need help. We will use Blackboard to store useful material for the assignment along with tips, some examples and technical guidance.
Moderation, Marks Approval Process
Stage Date Notes
Submission July 18th 2022 Coursework submission date
First Marking Approximately 15 working days after the viva First maker or marking teams undertake marking of submitted coursework.
Marks moderation Approximately 5 working days Second marker reviews module marks for marking and feedback consistency.
Provisional marks and Feedback available End of July
Provisional Marks and Feedback available through Blackboard
Pre-Field Boards Early August 2022 External Examiner will examine module assessment and marks with the opportunity to review samples.
Field Boards Mid- August 2022 Marks are discussed and approved by Faculty panel
Approved Marks available Mid- August 2022 Approved marks are available through MyUWE
Award Boards Late August 2022 Year and Degree classifications confirmed using approved module marks.
Academic Appeals Process
Students have the opportunity to submit an academic appeal in-line with the Academic Appeals Policy:
Level Coordinated By Appeal Dates Who to contact
Department Programme Leader Before Field Boards Module Leader
Stage 1 Appeal UWE Complaints Team Within 10 days of Award Boards Link Here
Stage 2 Appeal UWE Complaints Team After Stage 1 Appeal Link Here
Grid Marking Criteria
Written Report
Project Context and Aims Background/Literature Survey and Evaluation
Methodology and Results Achieved
Communication and Presentation
Aspects of assessment 1. Context and introduction
2. Relationship with any other related work
3. Aims, general and/or specific
4. Independent or innovative thought
1. Brief and relevant survey of the background/literature
2. Interpretation of sources in the context of the project
3. Critical evaluation of sources
1. Level of work carried out
2. Use of appropriate theory and techniques
3. Evidence of self-direction
4. Critical evaluation of findings
5. Value of what was accomplished
1. Standard of presentation
2. Organisation and structure
3. Use of English
4. Use of specialist language and notation
5. Quality of referencing and citation
PASS Outstanding
As for an ‘excellent’ pass and with evidence of the ability to take the work beyond the stated aims
All aspects are thoroughly addressed with no lapses or omissions
As for an ‘excellent’ pass and with evidence of sufficient understanding to take the work beyond its stated aims
Outstanding, to a professional standard
PASS Excellent
All aspects are given thorough consideration, without irrelevant material
All aspects are thoroughly addressed, with no significant lapses Excellent standard of work throughout with all aspects thoroughly addressed Excellent throughout, with no significant lapses
Very good
All aspects are addressed, with only minor omissions or irrelevant material
All aspects are addressed, with only minor lapses
All aspects are addressed, with only minor omissions or lapses Very good throughout with no major lapses
Satisfactory One or more aspects are omitted, or with significant omissions or irrelevant material
One or more aspects are omitted, or with significant lapses
One or more aspects are omitted, or with significant lapses
Generally satisfactory with one or more aspects being unsatisfactory or with significant lapses
Weak Two or more aspects are omitted, or with major omissions or irrelevant material
Two or more aspects are omitted, or with major lapses
Two or more aspects are omitted, or with major lapses
Generally adequate with two or more aspects being omitted or with a major lapse
Does not meet criteria for a pass, but could be redeemed with a little further work
Does not meet criteria for a pass, but could be redeemed with a little further work
Does not meet criteria for a pass, but could be redeemed with a little further work
Does not meet criteria for a pass, but could be redeemed with a little further work
Does not meet criteria for a pass, and would require significant further work to be redeemed
Does not meet criteria for a pass, and would require significant further work to be redeemed
Does not meet criteria for a pass, and would require significant further work to be redeemed Does not meet criteria for a pass, and would require significant further work to be redeemed
Viva Q&A
Aspects of assessment Content and structure Quality of delivery Quality of Evidencing
Modelling and Simulation Work Ability to answer questions correctly with reasoning
1. Clear sense of purpose
2. Clear structure.
3. Logical and rigorous arguments
4. Content well-suited to the audience
1. Confident voice, body language and manner
2. Consistent pacing.
3. Visual aids well-prepared and appropriately used.
4. Good rapport with the audience in an appropriate register
Ability to show the architecture of the full model (whichever topic, whether spreadsheet, theory or numerical)
Ability to show model setup and configuration parameters, clearly showing the steps involved
A successful run of any simulation indicating fulfilment of brief requirements
Ability to interpret outputs or visual plots
All questions handled appropriately demonstrating sound engineering sense and technical analysis and addressing limitations and effects
85-100 PASS Outstanding Excellent standard of work throughout with all aspects thoroughly addressed. Outstanding, to a professional standard. Evidence of outstanding technical knowledge and reasoning relating to producing relevant answers and any conceptual modelling/simulation required Evidence of outstanding technical knowledge and reasoning in answering the questions
70-84 PASS
Excellent Excellent standard of work throughout with all aspects thoroughly addressed Excellent standard of work throughout with all aspects thoroughly addressed Excellent standard of work throughout with all aspects thoroughly addressed relating to producing relevant answers and any conceptual modelling/simulation required Excellent standard of answers throughout with all aspects thoroughly addressed
60-69 PASS
Very good All aspects are addressed, with only minor omissions or lapses All aspects are addressed, with only minor omissions or lapses All aspects addressed in model design and simulation analysis, with minor omission or lapse All aspects addressed in model design and simulation analysis, with no omission or lapse or showing lack of clarity
50-59 PASS
Satisfactory One or more aspects are omitted, or with significant lapses One or more aspects are omitted, or with significant lapses One or more aspects are omitted, or with significant lapses One or more aspects are omitted while answering or with several lapses or relevance to the question
40-49 PASS
Weak Two or more aspects are omitted, or with major lapses Two or more aspects are omitted, or with major lapses Two or more aspects are omitted, or with major lapses Two or more aspects are omitted, or with major lapses and showing significant lack of engineering sense or technical thoroughness
35-39 FAIL
Marginal Does not meet criteria for a pass, but could be redeemed with a little further work Does not meet criteria for a pass, but could be redeemed with a little further work Does not meet criteria for a pass, but could be redeemed with a little further work Does not meet criteria for a pass, but could be redeemed with a little further work and developing an understanding
0-34 FAIL Does not meet criteria for a pass, and would require significant further work to be redeemed Does not meet criteria for a pass, and would require significant further work to be redeemed Does not meet criteria for a pass, and would require significant further work to be redeemed Does not meet criteria for a pass, and would require significant further work to be redeemed
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