[SOLVED] Module Code and Title IML6107 Economics and International Trade

[SOLVED] Module Code and Title IML6107 Economics and International Trade

Module Code and Title IML6107 Economics and International Trade
Module Tutor Josie Yeboah
(Element Number), Weighting, Type and Size of Assessment 40% Coursework: 20-minute ‘Voice-over PowerPoint slides’ video Individual Presentation.
Submission deadline Summative Presentation – submission
14/05/2022 23:55 BST
on the Turnitin link provided on Brightspace.
Looking at the world events in the past 36 months identify one key current world issue relevant to your economy. Do you think the government is likely to be better at running the economy than leaving it to the market?
Assessment Requirements:
⦁ Individual presentation – You are required to create a 20-minute presentation.
⦁ Your presentation will need to include visual aids such as appropriate charts and diagrams.
Suggestive QUESTIONS that you should address in your presentation: (This is only suggestive; you will need to ask yourself many questions to address this coursework)
⦁ Identify and describe any topical issue that have affected the world in the past 36 months.
⦁ Identify and explain the economic problem and how it relates to the identified issue.
⦁ Discuss how economies may choose to address the issue: identify and examine each of the option.
Additional information:
⦁ The Presentation should be a video that you create. You do not have to feature in the video. Voice over is required however to explain your answers.
⦁ Your Presentation MUST NOT include the questions but should refer to their content only.
⦁ Direction words in questions:
Define: State clearly and precisely the meaning of a thing or a concept.
Describe: Give an account in words, including key characteristics.
Discuss: Consider the arguments for and against the issue raised in the question.
Explain: Interpret the meaning of a particular concept with an example to illustrate
your understanding.
Identify: Recognize and correctly name something.
Why: Suggest possible explanations for something.
⦁ The assignment requires you to produce diagrams. These should be presented on the presentation slides.
⦁ You MUST provide, at the end of presentation slides, a list of the source references used at least 5 sources (textbook, other books/articles, websites). These can be included in the presentation.
Marking Scheme for Economics IML 6107 – Video Presentation
Group – Students’ Names:
Item 5 4 3 2 1 0 Total
1 Layout and Design of slides/video
Graphical illustration enhance meaning.
Capture viewers’ attention.
Arouse interest in the topic.
Neat and presentable (uncluttered).
Aesthetically pleasing. (x 2)
10 marks max
2 Analysis of Content
Demonstrate sufficient knowledge gain from the project & relate theory to practice.
Able to answer correctly to questions related to the facts, theories and process presented. (x 6)
30 marks max
3 Quality of Content
Items presented are related to the project.
Highlight key issues/contribution.
Use precise/relevant language. (x 6)
30 marks max
4 DELIVERY: quality of delivery.
Pace, timing, engagement with audience,
Pronunciation, fluency. (x 2)
10 marks max
⦁ Is overall presentation to professional standards & overall information presented clearly in a consistent, well-structured way throughout the presentation?
(x 2)
10 marks max
⦁ Different type of sources.
⦁ Harvard style . (x 2)
10 marks max
Total Mark 100

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