[SOLVED] Module 1 Journal Entry
Module 1 Journal Entry
This module, you will write your thoughts on the materials that you were required to view for class. The goal is to help you to make concrete connections between class material and your personal observations.
Be sure to answer the question: What have the materials covered in class this week prompted me to consider?
Journal entries are used as tools for student reflection. By consciously thinking about and comparing issues, life experiences, and course readings, students are better able to understand links between theory and practice and to generate justifiable, well-supported opinions. This kind of writing assignment is meant to be interactive, as students engage with ideas and experiences that bring about questions, comparisons, insights, criticisms, speculations, and tentative conclusions.
Required Materials:
Read Chapter 1 in the Cities of the World textbook (attached)
Read https://www.fastcompany.com/90755954/the-surprising-ways-technology-can-increase-green-space-in-cities
Read https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2011-12-23/the-best-city-time-lapse-videos-of-2011
Watch the following:
Journal Writing Assignment Rubric
Journal Writing Assignment Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Description of criterion 10 to >0.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Critical Thought Your journal entry should provide examples of critical thought. 0 pts
No Marks
Writing might be vague, somewhat basic, or off-topic.
10 pts
Topical 10 to >0.0 pts
Address main points Your journal entry should address the main points we covered during the week. 0 pts
Needs Significant Improvement
It does not appear that you completed the assigned readings.
10 pts
Personal Experience 10 to >0.0 pts
Relate with the real life Your journal entry should be relatable to your life. 0 pts
Needs Significant Improvement
Did not provide any examples related to personal experience.
10 pts
Word Count 10 pts
Full Marks
You need to write at least 800 words on the assignment. 0 pts
No Marks
10 pts
Total Points: 40
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