[SOLVED] Midsummer Night’s Dream Research Essay
Midsummer Night’s Dream Research Essay (200 points)
Poetry Sources (Shakespeare Act. Scene. Line.).
Example (Shakespeare 1.1.1-3).
(Shakespeare I.i.1-3)
Quotation: Examples
1 line – “Quote” (Shakespeare … ).
2-3 lines – “line/line/line”(Shakespeare …).
4 lines – Puck reaches out to the audience to say:
State youre lines
. (Shakespeare …).
Ethics and morality are important, especially as we navigate through the world, understanding right behavior from wrong. Ethics are also important in William Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. What characters act correctly? Which are in the right, and which are in the wrong? And while we often don’t think about legal or parental control of our own relationships, these ethical standards, as well as our understandings of justice, play important roles in the play. So for your essay you should pick 1 character, and consider whether or not their actions are just, true, and “right.”
You may want to consider one or more of the following questions as you work through your essay: did Theseus have a right to impose the law on the young Athenians? Did Egeus do the right thing by controlling his daughter’s marriage? What rights, if any, do the young lovers have? Is the marriage law in the play just? Who exactly arranges all of the marriages? How is arranged marriage important to this Romantic Comedy? Is it right for the faeries to intervene in the Athenians’ relationships? Now, you can’t answer all of these questions in a short research paper, but you should answer 1 of the questions listed above.
While you develop your research essay, you will also need to incorporate research. You will be required to find your own sources for this essay. You should include 4 scholarly sources, peer-reviewed, secondary sources, and your essay should be in proper MLA format. This includes proper quotations, citations, and a Works Cited page. (Scholarly sources include, journal articles, scholarly books or book chapters, dissertations or dissertation chapters. Just because a source comes from a database, doesn’t mean it is a scholarly, peer reviewed source. Always scout out the best sources!)
You will be required to include copies of ALL of your research with your final draft. Make sure to keep copies from articles used, including permalinks, stable urls, or pdfs. You will need to make copies of any book chapters that you used, as well—but for the book chapters, make sure that you are following copyright law (i.e. copy/scan the publication information from the front of the book and the pages that you quoted from, then highlight the passages that you used).
The final result should be 4-5 pages long, not including the required “Works Cited” page.
Your Essay Should Demonstrate Your Ability to:
analyze how the ethics, morality, and/or the law plays a role in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream
utilize techniques of definition and description where appropriate to make an overarching argumentative or interpretive claim
develop ideas and utilize evidence in making a point
create an organizational structure that works in support of the main idea
evidence clear, well-edited writing that is free of proofreading errors and errors of grammar, mechanics, and syntax
use correct MLA formatting, including a works cited page
find information and evaluate its reliability
summarize, paraphrase, and quote sources correctly, including in-text citation
use information from sources to support your analysis
write a dynamic thesis which argues your position
use effective and well-paragraphed evidence to support that position
derive evidence from 4 scholarly, peer-reviewed, secondary sources
revise where needed using teacher and/or peer commentary
Due Dates:
Topic Worksheet Due Wednesday 4/13 by midnight
Rough Draft Due Wednesday 4/20 by midnight
Peer Review Due Friday 4/22 by midnight
In-Class Work Day (bring laptops, articles, and notes with you to work on your essay.) Wednesday 4/20 and Friday 4/22 in class
Final Draft Due (and links/pdfs of sources.) Monday 5/2 by midnight
Topic Worksheet Due Thursday 4/14 by midnight
Rough Draft Due Tuesday 4/19 by midnight
Peer Review Due Thursday 4/21 by midnight
In-Class Work Day (bring laptops, articles, and notes with you to work on your essay.) Tuesday 4/19 and Thursday 4/21 in class
Final Draft Due (and links/pdfs of sources.) Tuesday 5/3 by midnight
For the Final Draft Due Date, please remember to turn in a copy through SafeAssign by midnight on Blackboard, along with links to your sources.
If you need assistance at any point, feel free to e-mail me or stop by during office hours.
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