[SOLVED] Mastery Journal and Course Objective Reflection
Mastery Journal and Course Objective Reflection
The purposes of this assignment are to:
Update an ongoing Mastery Journal to document your progress toward your personal development and leadership (PDL) goals.
Reflect on your understanding of the concepts presented in class as they relate to the learning objectives for the course.
Archive relevant assignments and other information from the course to use as resources and references for the Digital Marketing Plan (DMP) final project for the program.
Assignment Instructions
This assignment consists of two parts, each worth 50% of the total numeric grade.
Part One – Reflection
This component simply requires you to reflect on what you learned in the course. It is not intended as a summary of the course content, but rather as an honest reflection of your own experience (i.e., how did the course enhance your personal knowledge of the subject?)
Publish a new post related to your original Mastery: PDL timeline goal on the personal journal website you created for your Full Sail courses. Note: Students enrolled in the Digital Marketing Certificate program will need to create a personal journal using Spark, WordPress or Tumblr for purposes of completing this assignment. Find step-by-step instructions for creating a Tumblr account at:http://www.wikihow.com/Create-a-Tumblr-Account. For this post, you want to consider how this course in your masters program met your original objective, what you learned from the program content, and how you will apply it professionally.
Even though the parameters are broad, the key is to write a post that clearly communicates your personal reflections on your learning journey. The content of the journal entry should be meaningful and substantive (between 250-400 words), relevant, professional (free of grammar/spelling/punctuation errors), timely and authoritative.
Refer to the Course Objectives listed below and add one entry for each objective on your personal journal post related to your Mastery.
Please include each objective, the name of the assignment you created to meet that objective and key learnings from that assignment.
Remember to cite any outside sources in your reflection using proper APA formatting.
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