[SOLVED] Latest published annual report

[SOLVED] Latest published annual report

Final Project: Company Analysis and Report Assignment Instructions
During this course, you will complete a final project. The purpose of the final project is to allow you to use all of the concepts studied during the course to analyze a publicly traded company of your choice. After completing the analysis, you will submit a report on the financial condition of the company.
Choose any publicly traded company of your choice
Locate the company’s latest published annual report
Review the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows
Calculate a minimum of 7 ratios from the ratios studied during the course
Complete an analysis of the financial condition of the company based on the ratio analysis and additional information found in the annual report
Your final report should consist of the following:
Overview of the company and its industry
Products/services offered
History of the stock price
Results of the financial ratio analysis
Key financial highlights and lowlights found in the annual report
Key points from the CEO’s letter to shareholder’s in the annual report
Recommendations to the company on how to improve its financial performance for the future.
Provides the decision on whether to invest or not in this company with supporting information based on the financial analysis completed.
Length of assignment – The final project should be 5 to 7 pages, not including the financial statements and the ratio analysis, which should be placed in the Appendix. The assignments should be submitted in a Word document with spreadsheets embedded in the Word document, as needed.
A cover page is also required, but not part of the 5 to 7 pages of content. A properly formatted reference page and corresponding in-text citations are also required.
You should use APA formatting
A minimum of five scholarly citations are required
Acceptable sources include scholarly articles published within the last five years and your textbook.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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