[SOLVED] Interpretive chronology
Interpretive chronology
Instructions :
You will submit one chronology (1 page single-spaced) on a specific theme covered over the course of the semester. Chronologies are timelines in which historical events are arranged in the order of their occurrence. However, your chronology should not be a list of undifferentiated items. Rather, it should present a relatively cogent narrative by grouping events you deem meaningfully interrelated under carefully chosen subheadings. You will be evaluated on your choices of events and subheadings, and on the larger story you tell. You may draw from all readings and primary sources listed on the syllabus. The chronology is due on June 20th.
Your chronology must cover the entirety of the Mao period (1949-1976). You can begin before 1949, and your chronology may end after 1976. Here’s what you need to do in the chronology:
Make a chronological list of events/dates you consider to be relevant to your overall story;
Your descriptions of the events/dates should not exceed 2 lines
Divide your list of events into phases;
Each phase should have a subheading; you may also provide an explanatory summary of 1-2 sentences for each phase
Your title should indicate the broader theme of your chronology
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