[SOLVED] In week 6 you are required to submit an individual report of 1500 words introduces the organisation you will be studying in your final report
In week 6 you are required to submit an individual report of 1500 words introduces the organisation you will be studying in your final report. Your report should outline the following topics:
Introduction to the organisation – provide some background information – what does it do, where is it located, how many staff it employs.
A discussion of why you chose this organisation, and also others that you considered and why you rejected them.
A CORE report of the organisation’s capabilities covering curiosity, openness, risk and energy levels. The sheet is in the section below to be completed – you can do it on yourself first, then on the organisation.
A brief description of how you will approach your research – who will you interview / ask questions to, what primary and secondary methods will you use.
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