SOLVED: In this analytic essay, you will fully answer the prompt below in your own words, settling your understanding of what mythology is, its apparent value
In this analytic essay, you will fully answer the prompt below in your own words,
settling your understanding of what mythology is, its apparent value, and modern
mythology. Please answer in essay form the questions below. Please use the two
films you watched for this module for evidence to back up your reasoning.
• Define mythology. What are the primary elements of a myth? Please use
specific examples from the films you watched, from the Isis myth in this
module, from at least one external source, and optionally from the
exploration in demonstrating your answer. Please reference historical
context, belief systems, and cultural practices in your answer as you think it
is needed.
• Does modern myth exist? Why or why not? Demonstrate your argument with
examples from the films you watched.
• What criteria does a modern narrative need to meet in order to be
considered a myth? Can you think of any modern narratives, whether in film,
books, music, or other arts, which meet this criteria? Please use detailed
examples in your answer. If no examples meet this criteria, please explain in
detail how the examples you have do not meet the criteria.
• Compare definitions of mythology from pop culture and mythologists.
• Evaluate in writing what criteria categorizes a modern narrative as myth or
• Explain why a particular narrative should or should not be counted as
• Give a reasoned, supported answer as to the level of influence mythology has
in the contemporary world culture.
Please include an introduction in your essay along with a specific thesis statement
indicating the main points you will cover. Please click here to review the parts of a
thesis statement . Include also a conclusion which summarizes your thesis and
work. The entire essay is to be between 4-5 pages in length, in double-spaced 11-
or 12-point Times New Roman font. Please plan on using spell check and grammar
check: a “pro tip” is to read your paper aloud before submission, as this is an easy
way to catch mistakes in advance.
All citations need to be in either MLA or APA style, including references to the films
you watched and are using for evidence. A works cited at the end of the paper is
also required, and is not included in the 4 to 5 page count.
There are two main parts of a thesis statement: the claim
and the supporting evidence
Essay question:
One of the characteristics of a “modern” approach by visual artists in the late
nineteenth and early twentieth century was seeking out new modes of artistic
expression, rebelling against received artistic conventions and eighteenth-century
ideas. Should Manet be considered the father of modernism in painting? Why, or
why not?
Explore the required elements of a thesis statement by
clicking on claim and support in the equation:
Thesis statement:
Manet should be considered the father of modernism in painting as he rebelled
against academic tradition in both subject matter and artistic style, leading the way
to new approaches in art. His innovation and rebellion are evident in the following
ways: rejecting mythical idealism for realistic depiction of contemporary subjects,
challenging social norms in his art, and employing a radical new “loose” and
“flattening” painting style.
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