[SOLVED] Important group communication Terms..
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CMTT-215: Small Group Communication F I N A L E X A M
➢ Part I: Group Communicational Terms
Define any 6 (SIX) important GROUP COMMUNICATION Terms below in detail (give clear EXAMPLES to best illustrate your answers) @ 5 points each. Please be clear and specific in your writing. Roughly one very strong or
possibly two lengthy/solid paragraphs is sufficient.
1. COGNITIVE/Informational Diversity within a Group
2. BRAINSTORMING within a Group Setting
4. MINDFUL Communication within a Group
5. OVERGENERALIZATION within a Group Discussion
6. FALLACIES within Group Discussions
7. AREA OF Freedom within a Group Meeting
8. RISK TECHNIQUE within a Group Setting
➢ Part II. Concise Short-Answer Essays
Please answer all 5 (five) of the following questions. Please be very clear, concise and unambiguous in your answers in order to receive a full 10 points per question! (A minimum of three strong and well-written paragraphs per
question is required to receive full credit).
1. Describe the very notion of Appreciative Inquiry within a group setting, is this approach desirable or un-desirable and why or why not?
2. What do you believe constitutes the Definition of a Group and why are groups essential to the social fabric of every community or global culture?
3. Explain why enhancing Critical Thinking is vital within group dynamics; what is meant specifically by the term and what may be the powerful result of solid and honest critical thinking?
4. Describe what is meant by Either-Or Thinking and why is it essential for every group to avoid false dilemmas within group dynamics in both its communicational functions and in its goals?
5. The importance of playing DEVIL’S ADVOCATE within a group setting; and how it may be an effective tool to achieving group goals.
➢ Part III. Extensive Essay (20 points) GROUPTHINK
Please be clear, concise and unambiguous in your extensive essay in order to receive a full 20 points for this question! (A minimum of 5 to 7 strong and very well-written paragraphs for this question is required to receive full
We extensively discussed in class the concept of GROUPTHINK. It can often be a clear obstacle within group settings. Explain what it is; and why it should be avoided at all costs…be rich in your explanation by illustrating with a few practical examples.
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