[SOLVED] Health care professional/individual as client teaching and learning

[SOLVED] Health care professional/individual as client teaching and learning

Category 1: Health care professional/individual as client teaching and learning
Case 1
John is a retired 57-year-old man with a 5-year history of type 2 diabetes. He was diagnosed with diabetes in 2010 but he had symptoms indicating hyperglycemia for 2 years before diagnosis. He had fasting blood glucose records indicating values of 6.6-7.1 mmol/L (118–127 mg/dl), which were described to him as indicative of “borderline diabetes.” His doctor has been encouraging to lose weight (at least 10 kg. as he currently weights 100 kg and is 180 cm tall. Write learning objectives to guide your teaching about the importance of weight loss related to type 2 diabetes.
Based on this case study, a clear, measureable objective must be written for each of the 3 domains – cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Assignment 2 must be submitted, marked and returned to you prior to submitting assignment 3. Assignment 2 is foundational to assignment 3 so ensure you consider your tutor’s feedback.
Evaluation Criteria for Assignment 2 – Writing Learning Objectives
Assignment 2 should include the following:
Articulate 3 objectives – one for each domain cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Be certain each of the objectives you develop is at minimum:
written in clear, measurable terms
reflective of your assigned case study
reasonable for a 3 minute teaching session
Provide rationale including integration of theoretical knowledge, that is, evidence based practice to support each objective.
Provide evidence of application of course concepts and references of external sources as needed to support each learner centered objective.
APA format, maximum 4 pages excluding title and reference pages
Category 2: Health care professional/family as client teaching and learning
Case 2
Margaret is 87 and has dementia. Margaret’s daughter and son-in-law are at Margaret’s bedside after hip fracture surgery. Write learning objectives to guide your teaching related to fall-prevention in older adults with dementia.
Based on this case study, a clear, measureable objective must be written for each of the 3 domains – cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Assignment 2 must be submitted, marked and returned to you prior to submitting assignment 3. Assignment 2 is foundational to assignment 3 so ensure you consider your tutor’s feedback.
Evaluation Criteria for Assignment 2 – Writing Learning Objectives
Assignment 2 should include the following:
Articulate 3 objectives – one for each domain cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Be certain each of the objectives you develop is at minimum:
written in clear, measurable terms
reflective of your assigned case study
reasonable for a 3 minute teaching session
Provide rationale including integration of theoretical knowledge, that is, evidence based practice to support each objective.
Provide evidence of application of course concepts and references of external sources as needed to support each learner centered objective.
APA format, maximum 4 pages excluding title and reference pages

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