[SOLVED] Fraud Examination
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Assignment: One (1) Paper
Paper topic is one of your own devise
• Header: 1/8 of the memo
. If you cannot come up with a topic on your own, your professor may provide you with some ideas.
The papers must be three (3) to five (5) pages of text single spaced, typed and written in
memorandum form. The references should be embedded in the text and fully references on a separate
Works Cited page. The paper will have a minimum of five (5) referenced citations. The paper
should start in the following format:
The Purdue Owl Online Writing Lab discusses a written memorandum as follows:
The format of a memo follows the general guidelines of business writing. A memo
is usually a page or two long, should be single spaced and left justified. Instead of
using indentations to show new paragraphs, skip a line between sentences.
Business materials should be concise and easy to read. Therefore it is beneficial to
use headings and lists to help the reader pinpoint certain information.
You can help your reader understand your memo better by using headings for the
summary and the discussion segments that follow it. Write headings that are short
but that clarify the content of the segment. For example, instead of using
“Summary” for your heading, try “New Advertising Recommendations,” which is
much more specific. The major headings you choose are the ones that should be
incorporated in your purpose-statement in the opening paragraph.
For easy reading, put important points or details into lists rather than paragraphs
when possible. This will draw the readers’ attention to the section and help the
audience remember the information better. Using lists will help you be concise
when writing a memo.
The segments of the memo should be allocated in the following manner:
• Opening, Context and Task: 1/4 of the memo
• Summary, Discussion Segment: 1/2 of the memo
• Closing Segment, Necessary Attachments: 1/8 of the memo
This is a suggested distribution of the material to make writing memos easier. Not
all memos will be the same and the structure can change as you see necessary.
Different organizations may have different formatting procedures, so be flexible in
adapting your writing skills.
This discussion of a memorandum is found at http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/590/03/ .
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In Text Citation
You are to analyze your situation; cite appropriate laws, statutes and/or regulations; and come to a
conclusion. Use MLA formatting for references and citations. The citation is to be in-text with a
Works Cited page. The Works Cited page is not to be counted as a page of text.
The use of “MLA style specifies guidelines for formatting manuscripts and using the English
language in writing. MLA style also provides writers with a system for referencing their sources
through parenthetical citation in their essays and Works Cited pages.
Writers who properly use MLA also build their credibility by demonstrating accountability to
their source material. Most importantly, the use of MLA style can protect writers from
accusations of plagiarism, which is the purposeful or accidental uncredited use of source material
by other writers.”
This discussion and examples of the MLA style is found at
http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ and
Research & Citations
Use a Works Cited page providing no less than five (5) different references. These references are to
be located through research. HCC’s library provides an extensive source of research material
including over 100 databases you may search at http://library.hccs.edu/articles/atoz.php and RIA
(Research Institute of America) specifically provided for accounting research. The ability to
demonstrate research skills through your written assignments and proper use of a Works Cited page
is an important component to demonstrating your ability to properly research material related to this
course. Fraud Examination Fraud Examination Fraud Examination
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