[SOLVED] Economics of Asia

[SOLVED] Economics of Asia

EC 413 – Economics of Asia Mid-term Exam \

Instructions: Please write your answers in an MS Word document and submit it in the appropriate assignment submission folder in D2L by the due date and time. Use at least 1.5 spacing and an acceptable font (Calibri, Arial, etc.). A student’s responses will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

1. Reference to the provided resource in support of the argument.

2. Reference to the class content in support of the argument.

3. Reference to at least one other peer-reviewed article outside the textbook or the provided resource, where indicated (please remember to cite the sources and show the full references at the end of the report).

4. Student’s own critical thoughts about the question.

5. Student answered all questions satisfactorily.

Question 1 (20 points) Download UNDP Human Development Data for Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Singapore. • Replicate the calculation of these countries’ HDIs for the most recent year. You must show your work to receive any credit. (5 points) • Provide a one-paragraph interpretation of each calculated HDI and its components, in context of each country (minimal research required). (8 points) • Provide a comparative analysis across all six countries. (7 points) Here are the steps to follow to download the data: Go to: http://hdr.undp.org/en/data#. 1) Select each of the three dimensions of HDI: Health, Education, and Income. 2) Select the appropriate indicator (e.g. life expectancy). 3) Download data and open in Excel. 4) Calculate the appropriate indexes. 5) Put them together to calculate the HDI.

Question 2 (40 points equally distributed) Download the UN World Population data (https://population.un.org/wpp/DataQuery/) on the total annual population estimates and on the population by age and sex for the following Asian SDGs regions: Central, Eastern, South-Eastern, and Southern. 1) Build the population pyramids for the four sub-regions using 2020 data. What are the similarities and differences in age distribution across these areas? Do some research to provide an explanation (at least one peer-reviewed source). 2) Use a graph to compare the total population trends across the 4 sub-regions. Then, use data on the population components (births, deaths, and migration) to explain these trends.

Question 3 (40 points equally distributed) For each of the cases below, please explain why it is an appropriate policy for import-substitution industrialization 1) Effect of an appreciation of the exchange rate on imports and exports. Use a concrete numeric example. 2) Effect of an import tariff on domestic production and on imports. Use a demand-supply graph 3) Effect of an import quota on domestic production and on imports. Use a demand-supply graph 4) Effect of a domestic import-substitution subsidy on the domestic production and imports. Use a demand-supply graph Remember to cite your sources and to provide full references. Economics of Asia Economics of Asia

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