[SOLVED] Descriptions of science reports: Scientific Reports (Nature)
Final Project Instructions
Descriptions of science reports:
Scientific Reports (Nature)
“Scientific Reports is an online, open access, multidisciplinary publication that publishes research in all areas of the biological, chemical, physical, and earth and environmental sciences. Scientific Reports provides rapid peer review and publication of research without barriers to access. To be considered for publication in Scientific Reports, a paper must be technically sound original research, without any requirement for impact or a conceptual advance.”
Reports (Science Magazine)
“(up to ~2500 words including references, notes and captions–corresponds to ~3 printed pages in the journal) present important new research results of broad significance. Reports should include an abstract, an introductory paragraph, up to four figures or tables, and about 30 references. Materials and Methods should be included in supplementary materials, which should also include information needed to support the paper’s conclusions.”
Brief Reports (PNAS)
“describe observations of immediate impact that may hold potential to initiate new avenues of research, provide compelling new data on controversies of broad interest and long-standing questions, or present a concise conceptual advance. Brief Reports are limited to 3 pages, which is approximately 1,600 words and 15 references, and typically include no more than 2 graphical elements. The word count includes manuscript text, as well as the title page, abstract, and figure legends.”
Instruction for your manuscripts
Modified Science Manuscript Template Instructions
Title: No more than 15 characters, lacking jargon and abbreviations where possible.
One Sentence Summary: No more than 40 characters.
Abstract: 125 words or less.
Main Text:
Introduction – 400 words
Methodology – 150 words
Result – 300 words
Discussion – 400 words
References and Notes: (Followed by a numbered list); only a single reference list should be provided for the main text and supplemental information. 10 to 15 references.
Acknowledgments: Split into sections as described below. OPTIONAL
Fig. #. (Begin each figure caption with a label, “Fig. 1.”, for example, as a new paragraph.)
Table #. (Begin each table caption with a label “Table 1.”, for example, as a new paragraph.)
Supplementary Materials: Comprising Materials and Methods, figures, and tables; should be in a separate file.
Please use the .docx format (all versions after Word 2007). If you chose not to use this template, please include page numbers in your submitted file. We also encourage use of line numbers.
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