[SOLVED] Cyber Security Training is important..

[SOLVED] Cyber Security Training is important..

Prepare a well-researched and well-written response to the question below. You MUST properly cite any external, secondary sources used to develop your response and MUST answer the question.
Cyber Security Training is important as it helps to protect the organization’s customers, the organization and the organization’s employees. Cyber security breaches due to human error cost companies millions of dollars in losses every year.
Cyber security awareness and training provides organizations and organization personnel benefits such as:
– Assisting in defining information systems security;
– Identifying regulations that mandate the protection of IT assets and information;
– Describing security and privacy policies, procedures, and practices;
– Defining sensitive data;
You have been tasked by your organization’s executive management to develop a cybersecurity awareness and training program. This training program will be provided as a computer-based training (CBT) module. Training will be taken by ALL personnel (executive through staff levels). The training program is a compliancy requirement, set by industry and regulatory agencies. Your organization must demonstrate that such training has been provided to all personnel.
The research will:
1. Identify the top five (5) cyber security issues that you feel most critically and directly affect your organization and its personnel, which all personnel must be aware of and which should be included in the organization’s cyber security awareness and training program.
2. Substantiate why these five (5) cyber security issues are the most critical, relevant and should be included in the organization’s cyber security awareness and training program. Defend your top five security issues, identified in #1 above, using properly cited secondary sources as appropriate.
3. Provide management with one (1) recommendation, designed to mitigate the potential risk to the organization and organization personnel, for each of the top five cyber security issues, which you have identified.

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