[SOLVED] Compare, contrast and critique the International HRM policies

[SOLVED] Compare, contrast and critique the International HRM policies

Individual Written Assignment– Question
Assignment Title:
Compare, contrast and critique the International HRM policies and systems of any Two
Multinational Enterprises operating in the same industry.
E.g. Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson, operating in the Pharmaceutical industry.
7 Steps to Completing this Individual Assignment:
1. Choose any two MNEs from the same industry
2. Research Your Chosen Industry and 2 MNEs from that industry
3. Write up the Assignment using the Suggested Format.
4. Double check the LT assignment against the specific and generic marking and
assessment rubrics.
5. Complete and sign the Academic Integrity Declaration Form
6. Put assignment through Turnitin with a Similarity Score of 20% Or Less.
7. Submit the final assignment online via the Student Portal (Moodle) by the
stipulated deadline.
Step 1. Choose any two MNEs from the same industry
Select any two MNEs (Multinational Enterprises) from the same industry and evaluate their strategic and operational approach to International and Global HRM. This includes HRMT 621 IHRM – Individual Assignment Brief 3 their full suite of IHRM policies, practices and system along the IHRM cycle, including:
International Resourcing-Recruitment, Selection and Talent and Succession Management, International Learning and Development, International Performance Management, International Reward Management, International Employee/Labour
Relations and overall IHRM strategy.
Step 2. Research Your Chosen Industry and 2 MNEs from that industry
Finding relevant information about the IHRM systems and practices of your industry and companies can be challenging and requires you to utilize the skills of an investigative business journalist.
Finding Relevant Information:
– Please explore all the usual sources such as Google Scholar, UCW library databases
– Industry trade magazines and professional body publications
– MNEs website and HR and career portals
– Best Place to Work – MNEs website and league tables of best MMEs to work
– Ask the UCW Librarian, they are the experts in information finding and retrieval and are there to help.
– Tip: Scan for information first before you decide on your two MNEs. The key to doing well in this assignment is finding good relevant and detailed information on the 2 MNEs and the industry and the ability to integrate and analyze it.
– Book an appointment with a Librarian, they are the experts in information
sourcing and retrieval.
Step 3. Write up the Assignment using the Suggested Format.
Writing Up the Assignment: Style and Substance are both important
Substance and Body of Assignment:
This is not rigid and is only a suggested layout, but the assignment should include the following: Academic Integrity Declaration Cover Sheet
Executive Summary –
Executive Summary is a short section of a document produced for business purposes.
It is a synopsis of the full report/assignment in such a way that readers can rapidly
become acquainted with a large body of material without having to read it all. Its main
focus shout be given the reader the key takeaways/findings. It is not a pure summary but
contains elements of a summary and the focus are the key takeaways.
HRMT 621 IHRM – Individual Assignment Brief 4
Table of Contents – create using the auto function in the MS Word
See 7 min video clip – https://youtu.be/0cN-JX6HP7c
Section 1: Introduction (a short introduction about the aim and purpose of the
assignment and what you hope to achieve. Set the scene and context and signpost and
signal what you are going to do in the assignment and so lead the reader
Section 2 : The Two Chosen Multinational Enterprise (MNEs) and Their Industry
Section 3: The IHRM Policies, Practices and Systems of the 2 Chosen MNEs.
Section 4: Discussion, Analysis, Critique, Compare, Contrast and Reflections (So
what ?) (close the loop back to the literature)
This is the most critical part of the assignment, to which you should give a significant
word count to as it separates the good from the great. You need to do more than merely
describe their IHRM polices. You need to be critical of them, how to they give the
company competitive advantage ? how do they contribute to organizational performance
and success ? how do the 2 companies compare ? who is best in class ? how does it link
back to what the literature says about such core concepts in IHRM as divergence and
convergence etc.
Section 5: Conclusion
References/Bibliography (at least 6 references)
Style: Assignment Format and Checklist:
Word Count: The assignment should be approx. be
2,500 minimum and 3,000 maximum words
This excludes any footnotes, references, bibliography or appendices. The word count
should be indicated on the pro-forma cover page.
The assignment should be presented in word processed format adhering to the following
– Essay style or report style formal structure.
– Word only format, not PDF
– See the APA Template on the Library section.
– Clear paragraphing with headings and sub-headings.
– Use of plenty of white space, breaking up the text with visual aids, diagrams,
graphs, etc. If too bulky, put in Appendix.
– Double line spacing
– Numbered paragraphs 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 etc. APA style
HRMT 621 IHRM – Individual Assignment Brief 5
– Times New Roman 12
– Pages Numbered
– Table of Contents at front
– Consistent Style of APA Citation Referencing. – see Library Workshops
– Minimum of 6 references
– Proof Read and Spell Checked
– Contain completed Cover Sheet and signed Academic Integrity Declaration Form
(at end of this document) which includes the Assignment Title, Student Number, Year,
Course Part & Program and Word Count and which verifies that you have acknowledged
all references, the work is yours and that you have not plagiarized.
Step 4: Follow and Double Check Your Final Work Against the Assessment and
Rubrics and Marking Scheme for This Assignment, Both the Specific and Generic
Specific Assessment Rubric:
Marking Rubric for Individual Written Assignment – IHRM – 25%
Criterion/Section Marks Award Comment
Executive Summary
The key takeaways for the reader form the

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