[SOLVED] Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE)
Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE)
Theological/Philosophical Reflection Journal.
Write 1,000 words on topic on Ministry and relationship with God
The rational is to try to determine the extent to which the student has integrated theology on a personal level.
It is important to write this as an experimental as much as possible with feeling.
It is important to find 3 passages in the scriptures/ and philosophical writings which shed light on the topic chosen above. To articulate how these passages spoke to their experience of loss, anger, suffering, vocation etc. (What is similar in the Scripture/philosophical texts and in their life experience and what are the difference.
Use resources references
Ethics Paper
To write 1,000 words Ethics paper on either Pastoral boundaries, Pastoral power, and elder abuse,
The rational is to determine the extent to which this paper has integrated his theology and ethical understanding in pastoral ministry.
The student are expected to demonstrate how they integrate their theological understandings with practical ministry and to engage ethically with the chosen topic.
Use theological and Pastoral references
See resources via files.
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