[SOLVED] City-to-City Learning
City-to-City Learning
How can cities learn from each other? Which cities are best suited to learn from which? What
can they learn, and by what methods? These are questions you will explore in this, your final
assignment of this course. It gives you an opportunity to review the CDS strategies proposed by
each of the CDS groups in this class and to provide a short but thoughtful overview of your own
Your assignment, due before our final class meeting, has two equally weighted components:
Learning cohorts. Your assessment of how the cities reviewed in this class should be
grouped into two or more mutually exclusive and exhaustive learning cohorts. There is
no single fixed or prescribed methodology for this purpose, but we will explore some
examples in class and through the assigned readings. You can use quantitative or
qualitative methods for this purpose, or some combination thereof. You certainly are
expected to draw upon what you learn about these cities from the recorded CDS
presentations and class discussions. There is no single correct answer, so you will be
assessed on the basis of how persuasive and thoughtful your analysis is. Do remember,
however, that the purpose is to create learning cohorts. Your entire exposition should
be contained comfortably on a single page. Feel free to use graphic design if you think
that will help your readers.
Learning agendas. This is a short (less than one page) essay by you outlining a program
of learning for each of your prescribed learning cohorts. For the purposes of this
assignment, you may assume that a leading urban planning official from each city
undertakes a field trip to each of the other cities in its cohort, and that they all then
meet here at USC for a 2- or 3-day program of learning. What subject matter from this
course, if any, would you introduce into these individual learning cohorts? What
additional subject matter would you include? How might you foster city-to-city (C2C)
learning based on these case studies? As before, there is no single correct answer, so
let common sense, knowledge and inspired thinking be your guide.
This is your opportunity to finish this course showing what you as an individual have learned. I
look forward to reviewing it City-to-City Learning City-to-City Learning
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