[SOLVED] choose a topic of interest related to the course content

[SOLVED] choose a topic of interest related to the course content

Guidelines & Grading Rubric for the Research Paper
Purpose: The purpose of this scholarly paper is for the student to have an opportunity to choose a topic of interest related to the course content and further explore the subject as it relates to the nursing.
Submission: Submit paper through Blackboard’s Assignment Dropbox. Upon submission, all papers will be analyzed using SafeAssign technology. You must be very careful not to plagiarize.
Paper Guidelines:
Topic Selection. The topic of the paper should be chosen from the content that is discussed in the course material. The paper should include nursing implications relevant to the chosen topic. Select a topic that interests you. Examples of topics include: historical experiences of dying; comparisons of various cultural rituals surrounding death; assessment and management of pain for the dying; The impact of grief on nurses; current Issues surrounding death and technology; coping with death… there are many potential topics. Just be sure that it is relevant to nursing practice.
Literature Review. Use the course textbook and four other scholarly sources, at least two of which must be evidence-based, peer reviewed research articles. References must be no older than 7 years.
Length. Five pages (title page and reference pages are not included in the page count).
Format. Use APA formatting for title page, running header, pagination, reference list, in-text citations, and headings. Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation is expected. I suggest that you submit your paper to a plagiarism checker prior to submission.
Title Page. Format title page using APA format.
General structure. All papers should include an introduction, exploration of the topic, and conclusion. The items listed in the body section below are suggestions on what to include in and how to structure your paper.
Introduction: A clear and concisely written introductory paragraph that briefly describes the topic. In addition, a purpose statement should be included (i.e., Why are you writing the paper? Is it to compare, contrast, examine, discuss, analyze, etc.?)
In the body of the paper as separate sections or integrated:
Explore the Topic: Discuss how the key points of the topic relate to the course content.
Literature Review. Summarize what the literature says about the topic. Write at least one paragraph for each of your two evidence-based articles.
Relation to Your Nursing Practice. Discuss how this topic will influence your future nursing practice.
Conclusion: Briefly summarize the conclusions you have drawn from your study of this topic and the review of literature.
In-text Citations. Remember to provide in-text citations using APA format for anything that has been paraphrased or directly quoted. Insure that all in-text citations are appropriately listed on the reference list.
Reference List. Use correct APA format. Do not include references that are not cited in the paper.

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