[SOLVED] Chinese Politics

[SOLVED] Chinese Politics

Chinese Politics The paper will contribute towards the five learning objectives outlined at the beginning of the
syllabus: you will develop a personal interpretation of Chinese politics by presenting your own
argument; recognize the diversity of views present by rebutting an alternative argument; to do
this you will need to describe key empirical facts, as well as make use of relevant theoretical
approaches (taken from readings, lectures, and class web links). This exercise will only be
persuasive if you write in a clear, organized and analytical style.
For the topic of the paper, you can choose from any substantive topics (March 8-March 29) and
respond to the “questions to consider”. When there are multiple related questions, you can
respond to one of them, some of them, or all of them.
There are two due dates for the paper. The first one is March 8 and the second one is March 29.
Submitting by the first deadline is optional (and will require you to do the readings in advance),
but if you do so you will get the paper back in 2 weeks with comments and feedback for
improvement. Then you have the option to revise and resubmit it by the second deadline (March
29). For revised papers, the final grade will be based on the two grades (1/3 for the first
submission and 2/3 for the second submission).
Grading Criteria for paper and Exam Essays:
Specifically, the paper must do the following five things:
1. Present an analytical argument that is a clear answer to the question (Is the
question(s) answered? Is there a personal argument presented in the first 10 lines and
defended throughout the essay? Quality of argument);
2. Address at least one alternative argument or counterargument from the literature
related to the question (integration of class material and readings);
3. Offer some factually correct, compelling evidence to support your argument (quality
of empirical research);
4. Use existing theoretical approaches when relevant (integration of class material and
readings, consistent citation style);
5. Communicate the above in a clear, structured, analytical style (good outline, good
transitions, good writing style).

Specific formal requirements:
1. You must footnote all references (quotes, use of evidence, etc…), or use brackets in
the text
2. You must include a final bibliography (using a consistent, broadly accepted format, no
matter which one)
3. The essay must adhere to standard rules of English concerning spelling, grammar, and
4. Length: 3 pages minimum, 5 pages maximum, not including notes and bibliography
(we may not continue reading beyond 5 pages)
5. Font: 12 points (no 10 point allowed)
6. Margins: one-inch margins
7. Spacing: double-spaced
8. Use TRACK CHANGES in Microsoft Word for your revision.
Resources needed to write the papers:
1. The class readings and lectures are sufficient to make a good paper.
2. For some topics, however, it may be helpful to complement the required readings
with some supplementary materials. For each topic, you can also consult the list of
recommended readings in the syllabus.
Grading Criteria for Paper and Exam Essays:
1. Is the question answered?
2. Is there a personal argument presented in the first 10 lines and defended throughout the
3. Clarity, Organization, Structure (good outline, good transitions)
4. Integration of class material, facts, and readings to back up the argument
5. (for revision only): Has the revised paper successfully addressed the comments and feedback
for improvement?
• A large number of papers tended not to present a personal causal argument in response to a
clearly identified question. The argument should be clearly stated within the first 2 paragraphs
of the introduction, on page 1. It should be engaging and original (personal). It should present an
explanation to a puzzling question.
• The introduction of many papers did not fulfill the stated requirements. Within one page, a
strong introduction should introduce the question upfront, present the argument, and give a
roadmap for the paper.
• Many papers were written in a descriptive way, going through a historical analysis of key
phenomena. Rather, political science papers should be argumentative and clearly organized. It is
important to fight against alternative explanations and to defend your position in forceful ways.
Each of the clearly indicated 3 or 4 sections should be there to back up the argument. After
presenting facts and evidence, it is important to extract concluding statements, stating what the
facts show and how they prove your point.
• Political science is always concerned with understanding general relationships and processes
that are hidden behind messy events. This is where the focus of research papers must be.
• Many papers did not integrate enough political processes and did not extract larger political
GRADING SCALE (based on Faculty of Arts recommendations, see web site:
http://www.arts.ubc.ca/FOA/doa/GradingGL.htm)(as edited by Professor Max Cameron)
80% to 100% (A- to A+)
This grade is reserved for exceptional papers. An exceptional paper must demonstrate strong
evidence of original thinking around a clearly articulated thesis; the paper should have a good
structure and be well organized; the paper should demonstrate a capacity to analyze and
synthesize; it should also demonstrate superior grasp of the subject matter with sound critical
evaluations; evidence of extensive knowledge base is expected; clear and effective writing style
and appropriate referencing format are also expected.
68% to 79% (B- to B+)
Grades in this range are given for competent papers. A competent paper will have a clear if not
original thesis statement and develop the thesis with sound argumentation; a reasonably coherent
structure and organization of the material is expected; the paper will show evidence of a good
grasp of subject matter; some evidence of critical capacity and analytic ability is expected as well
as a reasonable understanding of relevant issues; although a substantial research effort may not
have been made, there should be evidence of familiarity with the most relevant literature.
50% to 67% (D to C+)
An adequate paper will be awarded a grade in this range. Such a paper lacks or does not
develop a coherent or clear thesis statement, but some effort is made to structure the paper
around an argument; nevertheless, there is little attempt to develop or sustain a coherent
argument throughout the paper; the paper should demonstrate an understanding of the subject
matter; it should also show an ability to develop solutions to simple problems in the material;
normally, a paper in this range will reflect acceptable but uninspired work; it will not be
seriously faulty but will lack style and vigour (especially in argumentation).
00% to 49% (F)
Inadequate paper. This grade is reserved for papers with little or no evidence of understanding
of the subject matter; no thesis statement is made; there are weaknesses in critical and analytic
skills; major errors are made in discussions of the subject matter; the literature used is limited or
irrelevant; or the subject is not on the list of paper topics or has not received prior approval by
the instructor.
Late Papers:
• Late papers are discouraged but extensions will be granted for illness or extraordinary
circumstances. No documentation is needed for first occurrence of acute medical circumstance or
traumatic experience (self-declaration is fine). For other cases (e.g. prolonged illness), please
contact us to discuss other in-term concession. For more details, please refer to the university’s Chinese Politics Chinese Politics  Chinese Politics Chinese Politics Chinese Politics

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