[SOLVED] Assignment Guidance and Front Sheet
Assignment Guidance and Front Sheet
This front sheet for assignments is designed to contain the brief, the submission instructions, and the actual student submission for any WMG assignment. As a result the sheet is completed by several people over time, and is therefore split up into sections explaining who completes what information and when. Yellow highlighted text indicates examples or further explanation of what is requested, and the highlight and instructions should be removed as you populate ‘your’ section.
This sheet is only to be used for components of assessment worth more than 3 CATS (e.g. for a 15 credit module, weighted more than 20%; or for a 10 credit module, weighted more than 30%).
To be completed by the student(s) prior to final submission:
Your actual submission should be written at the end of this cover sheet file, or attached with the cover sheet at the front if drafted in a separate file, program or application.
Student ID or IDs for group work e.g. 1234567
To be completed (highlighted parts only) by the programme administration after approval and prior to issuing of the assessment; to be consulted by the student(s) so that you know how and when to submit:
Date set 27 May 2022
Submission date (excluding extensions) BEFORE 12:00 noon UK time on Wednesday 13 July 2022
Submission guidance To be submitted electronically in ONE file (instead of separate files) in supported types (e.g. MS Word, Acrobat PDF, and maximum file size is 40MB) via Tabula (https://tabula.warwick.ac.uk/)
Marks return date (excluding extensions) 11 August 2022 (20 university working days from PMA submission date)
Late submission policy If work is submitted late, penalties will be applied at the rate of 5 marks per University working day after the due date, up to a maximum of 10 working days late. After this period the mark for the work will be reduced to 0 (which is the maximum penalty). “Late” means after the submission deadline time as well as the date – work submitted after the given time even on the same day is counted as 1 day late.
For Postgraduate students only, who started their current course before 1 January 2020, the daily penalty is 3 marks rather than 5.
Resubmission policy If you fail this assignment or module, please be aware that the University allows students to remedy such failure (within certain limits). Decisions to authorise such resubmissions are made by Exam Boards. Normally these will be issued at specific times of the year, depending on your programme of study. More information can be found from your programme office if you are concerned.
To be completed by the module owner/tutor prior to approval and issuing of the assessment; to be consulted by the student(s) so that you understand the assignment brief, its context within the module, and any specific criteria and advice from the tutor:
Module title & code Transport Techniques and Management: ES9X5-10
(Weekday Mode)
Module owner Nishal Samarasekera
Module tutor Nishal Samarasekera / Abdul Jappie
Assessment type Written report
Weighting of mark 80%
Assessment brief
Answer only ONE of the questions below:
Question 1
Critically evaluate an international container port located in Asia; concentrating on the areas mentioned below:
Port’s contribution to international logistics of the region
Role of technology in managing freight transport operations of the port
Question 2
Reflect on how the Transport Techniques & Management module relates to your organisation and how improvements could be made to the transport operations of your organisation.
Word count
Word count 3,500 +/- 10%
Word count includes everything in the main body of the text (including headings, citations, quotes, lists, etc). Any title page, table of contents, table of tables, table of figures, content within figures/tables, list of references and any appendices are excluded.
Module learning outcomes (numbered) Evaluate the role of freight transportation in logistics & supply chain
Critique freight transportation operations of an organization or a geographical area
Design a freight operations transport plan using appropriate tools
Engage in freight transport simulation and reflect the outcomes
Learning outcomes assessed in this assessment (numbered) 1 and 2 above
Marking guidelines Refer to the Full-time MSc student intranet pages, under Post-Module Assignments.
Academic guidance resources Refer to the Module reading list, Module Moodle pages and the PMA feedback given for your first submission by the marker.
The following is pre-populated for PGT assignments only:
Writing your Post-Module Assignment (PMA): specific additional advice for WMG’s Postgraduate Taught Students
As a postgraduate level student in WMG you may have some concerns about your ability to write at the high standard required. This short guide is intended to provide general guidance and advice. It is important that if you have any questions you discuss them with your module tutor. Remember, in writing your PMA you need to meet the expectations of the reader and university.
A good PMA generally requires you to answer the question and to include…
A title, with your student number, module, lecturer’s name and any other documentation required by the university.
A table of contents and no abstract.
An introduction which acts as a ‘map’ to the rest of the document, describing the aim or purpose of the work and explaining how this aim is achieved.
Evidence of an appropriate level of background reading of relevant texts.
Evidence of systematic and clear thinking, indicative of good planning and organisation.
Writing which makes sense, is clearly and carefully presented (proof-read and grammar checked).
A critical style of writing which compares and contrasts the main theories, concepts and arguments with conclusions that are based in evidence presented.
High levels of accurate academic referencing using the Harvard referencing system.
A logical and well-defined structure with headings and subheadings.
Clearly labelled and well-presented diagrams and other graphics that are discussed in the text.
Adherence to usual academic standards including length and a timely submission.
A reference section in which every source that is cited in the text is listed.
Where to get help:
Talk to your module tutor if you don’t understand the question or are unsure as to exactly what is required.
Study, Professional and Analytical Skills (SPA) Moodle site – we have a lot of resources on this website with workbooks, links and other helpful tools. https://moodle.warwick.ac.uk/
The university Academic Writing centre provides workshops and useful tools to help you in all aspects of your work. https://warwick.ac.uk/services/skills/academicwriting/
Avoiding Plagiarism, the university’s site to help you to reference properly https://moodle.warwick.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=42224
Wellbeing support services https://warwick.ac.uk/services/wss
Numerous online courses provided by the University library to help in academic referencing, writing, avoiding plagiarism and a number of other useful resources. https://warwick.ac.uk/services/library/students/your-library-online/
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