[SOLVED] Assessment Directions: Candidates will utilize information gathered from course activities

[SOLVED] Assessment Directions: Candidates will utilize information gathered from course activities

Assessment Directions: Candidates will utilize information gathered from course activities, field observation notes, text readings/references, and professional articles to create a comprehensive classroom management plan for students in PreK through 3rd grade classrooms.
Step 1- Gather and Organize Data and Resources
Classroom Observations
Organize field notes from the four required classroom observations in four settings (infants; toddlers, preschool, kindergarten- 3rd grade).
Article Reviews
Gather the five article reviews you completed on chosen topics that related to child guidance and classroom management.
Course Activities
Organize information collected from discussion board activities, text readings, video clips, and lesson planning.
Step 2- Classroom Management Plan
Describe how you will implement a behavior management system to maintain an environment where all students can learn effectively [Standard 19 TAC §235.11(e)(5); Teacher Standard 4(C)i].
Describe how you will maximize instructional time, including managing transitions [Standard 19 TAC §235.11(e)(7); Teacher Standard 4(D)ii] and include specific examples of how students will transition to and from the activity to maximize instructional time [Teacher Standard 4(D)ii].
Demonstrate knowledge of factors related to the development of executive function and self-regulation skills in young children, including motivation [Test 292 Competency 004(A)] by including specific examples of your strategies for tapping into children’s intrinsic motivation.
Apply knowledge of the use of schedules, routines, and effective transitions to support children’s emotional development, effectively manage instructional activities, and promote children’s sense of security and independence [Test 292 Competency 005(C)] by including a detailed classroom schedule, with transitions clearly included throughout the day.
Describe the rationale for creating learning environments that are developmentally appropriate and respond to students’ needs, strengths, and personal experiences [Standard 19 TAC §235.11(e)(3); Teacher Standard 4(A)iii].
Describe the rationale, and include specific strategies, for structuring the physical environment and selecting appropriate learning curricula, materials, and technologies to promote active participation and independence in young children [Test 292 Competency 005(A)].
Describe and include a visual representation of the physical classroom environment you plan to create. This includes furniture arrangement, location of materials, location of learning stations, etc. The physical environment must be flexible and able to accommodate the different learning needs of students [Standard 19 TAC §235.11(e)(4)].
Explain the importance of classroom culture and detail your strategy for creating a community of learners in an inclusive environment that embraces students’ backgrounds and experiences as educational assets in their learning [Standard 19 TAC §235.11(c)(1); Standard 19 TAC §235.11(e)(1); Teacher Standard 2(A)ii; Teacher Standard 4(A)i].
Demonstrate knowledge of developmentally appropriate and effective individual and group management strategies, including best practices for teaching and supporting young children with additional behavioral needs [Test 292 – Comp 004(C); [Standard 19 TAC §235.11(e)(5); Teacher Standard 4(C)i] by describing how student behavioral expectations will be communicated and the process for guiding behavior choices in your classroom.
Describe procedures for effectively managing student groupings (pairing students, individual, small-groups) to facilitate learning [Test 292 – Comp 005(E); Standard 19 TAC §235.11(b)(6); Standard 19 TAC §235.11(e)(8); Standard 1(C)ii; Teacher Standard 4(D)iii].
Describe your rationale, and specific strategies, for using developmentally appropriate and culturally responsive positive behavior strategies, conflict resolution skills, and instructional methods to manage classroom behavior [Test 292 Competency 004(E)].
Describe your specific methods for creating a physical environment and instructional procedures that are linguistically and culturally responsive and meet the needs of all young children, including those with exceptionalities (e.g., disabilities, gifts, talents) and English learners (ELs) [Test 292 Competency 005(D)].
Provide examples of supportive interactions that integrate the use of oral, written, graphic, kinesthetic, and/or tactile methods to teach key concepts [Standard 19 TAC §235.11(b)(7)], such as sharing, cooperation, collaboration, acceptance, empathy, kindness, compassion, etc.
Provide examples of student-centered special activities you will incorporate in your classroom daily to support children’s social and emotional development [Standard 19 TAC §235.11(b)(8)].
Ensure your plan consistently references the following: classroom observations from four different age groups; the five research articles reviewed throughout the semester; course texts; course activities (including interactive Discussion Boards and lesson planning).

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