[SOLVED] Analyzing the Rhetoric of Music
Analyzing the Rhetoric of Music
Please select a music video featuring Black or Latino artists.
For this assignment:
1. Reveal the genre of the music and the date it was released
2. Reveal the theme of the song (broad moral, message, or idea) that the lyrics support.
3. Provide evidence to support how this theme is revealed in the lyrics and music video.
4. Reveal what message this music sends to listeners. For example: is it making a statement about
politics, gender, money, or something else?
5. Reveal the context of the time this video came out. For example: is the video addressing a larger
Topic Due: Sunday, March 20
Presentation Due: Sunday, March 27
To complete this project, students must:
1. Post the link to the official music video on Blackboard (this video must be made by the
artist(s), not fans or others
2. Post a recording of your presentation explaining the answers to the five questions above to
Blackboard. There are two ways to complete this project. Students can record a video or make a
PowerPoint with audio.
Please note: If the music video is in Spanish, please print provide the lyrics in English.
olitics, gender, money, or something else?
5. Reveal the context of the time this video came out. For example: is the video addressing a larger
Topic Due: Sunday, March 20
Presentation Due: Sunday, March 27
To complete this project, students must:
1. Post the link to the official music video on Blackboard (this video must be made by the
artist(s), not fans or others
2. Post a recording of your presentation explaining the answers to the five questions above to
Blackboard. There are two ways to complete this project. Students can record a video or make a
PowerPoint with audio.
Please note: If the music video is in Spanish, please print provide the lyrics in English. Analyzing the Rhetoric of Music Analyzing the Rhetoric of Music Analyzing the Rhetoric of Music
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