[SOLVED] an article summary
Step 4: Write an article summary (approximate length is 2 pages, double-spaced). It should contain the following sections (use sub-headings in your paper): Introduction to the topic (also known as background), methods used in the study, results of the study and conclusions. A grading rubric, which provides more detail on what should be in these sections is provided below. Be sure to format your paper in APA style.
Here are some questions to keep in mind when reading a research article:
Who are the authors? What year was it published? You will need this information to reference the article.
What was their hypothesis? Describe what they hope to find.
What did they study? Describe the elements they decided to study.
Where did the study occur? This may help you figure out if the results can be applied to people here in NJ.
What is their sample size? Look to see how many people they studied. Do they have enough participants to make the results meaningful?
How did they perform the study (Method)? Are you able to summarize how they did the study in your own words?
What were the results and outcomes? Describe what they found.
Look at the tables, charts, and/or figures to help you understand the results and outcomes. Sometimes the charts or figures can be confusing but mostly they can help you to understand confusing writing. There is no need to comment about these, just about the information you learn by looking at them.
What future research or directions do they suggest? Describe what they suggest as the next steps in research.
Think about the value the results have to consumers and providers of psych rehab services. Describe the implications for incorporating the results into practice.
the article is provided thank you
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