[SOLVED] a positive correlation between a psychological issue and a specific criminal behavior
Research Paper (20%): Each student is required to write a research paper on a topic approved in advance. The topic of research should indicate a positive correlation between a psychological issue and a specific criminal behavior. Papers are expected to adhere to standards set forth in the American Psychological Association’s Publication Manual (7th Edition). Papers should be 12-14 pages in length (excluding title page & references) and include at least 12 references from professional journals. Papers with less than 12 full pages of body (in APA format) are incomplete and be reduced in points by the percent of missing text (i.e. a 11pg paper is missing 8% of the assignment and will lose 8% (8) of the possible assignment points) in addition to any reduction based on grading criteria. Late assignments will be reduced by 10 points (out of 100) per day in addition to any reduction based on grading criteria.
Grading criteria for the paper is as follows:
Adherence to APA standards – 10% Spelling/Grammar/Punctuation – 10%
Consistency with stated thesis – 40% Research support for stated thesis – 40%
Read Part 4, Themes, in your textbook. Using your art history knowledge that you gained reading Part 3 you are going to be a curator and organize an art exhibition based on a theme you select from Part 4 of your textbook. You must select your theme from Part 4 of your textbook. You will select images of artwork from three (3) different cultures or stylistic periods that address your selected theme, the artworks that you select may come from your textbook but must not include any artworks from Part 4. You must include at least two (2) different works of art from each cultural or stylistic period for a minimum total of six (6) images of artwork. A list of cultures and stylistic periods for you to select from will be provided to you.
This is a research based assignment and as such you must make use of academic resources in addition to your textbook.
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