[SOLVED] A description of the patient’s illness/health problem and a description of the impact of the illness on the patient
Essay Information:
– The essay should include the following:
– A description of the patient’s illness/health problem and a description of the impact of the illness on the patient
– A description of the impact of the illness on the patient’s family (or principal
– A description of the patient’s and the patient’s family’s experience of health and social care
– Demonstrate learning from other parts of the HC2002 course i.e. seminars and lectures
– Make appropriate references to relevant literature on issues discussed in the essay and include a suitably formatted reference list at the end. Vancouver or Harvard styles are both acceptable, but the referencing style must be used
consistently. See www.lib.monash.edu.au/tutorials/citing for a guide to styles of
presenting references.
– Include your own personal reflections on the experiences of your patient calls.
Some Suggested Reading:
– Niven, Neil. Life Transitions and Crises, Chapter 5 in Health Psychology. An
Introduction for Nurses and Other Health Professionals Second Edition Churchill
Livingstone: Edinburgh.
– Scambler, Graham. Health and Illness Behaviour Chapter 3 in Sociology as applied to
Medicine Third Edition Scambler G Editor Bailliére Tindall.
– Locker, David. Living with Chronic Illness Chapter 6 in Sociology as applied to Medicine
Third Edition Scambler G Editor Bailliére Tindall.
– Scambler, Graham. Deviance, sick role and stigma. Chapter 13 in Sociology as applied
to Medicine Third Edition Scambler G Editor Bailliére Tindall.
– McWhinney, Ian. The Family in Health and Disease Chapter 10 in A Textbook of Family
Medicine Second Edition Oxford University Press ISBN 0-19-511518-X
– Skynner, Robin and Cleese, John. Families and How to Survive Them. Meuthen. ISBN
– Brody, Howard. Stories of Sickness Yale University Press ISBN 0-300-04692-8
– Huygen FJA Family Medicine. The Medical Life History of Families Dekker & Van der
Vegt republished by the Royal College of General Practitioners. ISBN 850-84-147-X
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