[SOLVED] A brief (one paragraph) summary of the movie

[SOLVED] A brief (one paragraph) summary of the movie

Choose one individual in the movie (Frankie and Alice)  and include the following sections:
1. Summary. Provide a brief (one paragraph) summary of the movie and provide some clear evidence that
you watched it. 2. Diagnosis.
a. What is the DSM-5 diagnosis for the chosen character?
i. While you are free to choose any character portrayed in the movie, you are strongly encouraged
to select the character about which there is sufficient information to address the requirements of this paper.
ii. If there seems to be more than one diagnosis (i.e., comorbidity), you can list the diagnoses, but select one diagnosis to be the focus on for this paper.
b. Explain your reasoning (symptoms displayed, distress expressed, impairment exhibited, etc.) for these classifications. Specifically address each DSM-5 criteria for the disorder (i.e., which criteria are met and how, as well as which criteria are not met/portrayed).
c. What symptoms are portrayed accurately? Are any symptoms portrayed inaccurately? In what way are they inaccurate? When the general public walks away after watching this movie, would they have an accurate view of the disorder? What, if any, misperceptions may they take away from the movie? What aspects could the movie emphasize/deemphasize in order to more accurately portray the symptoms of this disorder?
3. Etiology.
a. According to our class discussions, textbook readings and your own additional research,
comprehensively describe and discuss the hypothesized etiologies for the diagnoses described above. In order words, discuss as many biological, psychological, social and cultural factors that contribute to this disorder as possible.
b. Then, based on what you know of the character, comprehensively conceptualize the etiology of the character’s illness, using the biopsychosocial model, and provide specific examples from the movie. Prioritize the examples explicit in the movie. Then, also speculate factors that may have contributed to the development of the disorder (e.g., even if the movie does not portray childhood/family, you should still briefly discuss these factors if they are relevant).
4. Treatment.
a. Comprehensively discuss treatment options for the diagnoses discussed based on your research. b. If treatment was presented in the film, comprehensively discuss the appropriateness of the
treatment(s) and present alternative treatments for consideration. If no treatment was shown, propose a comprehensive treatment approach for the character.

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