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Research Paper Introduction Paragraph Writing Guide – Your Best Priority 24/7

Research paper introduction: what is it?

This is the paragraph that begins your research paper and is used by the reader to decide if there is a necessity to read the paper. It is the initial part of the paper containing important information as definitions and notions that are required to understand what your research is about. It answers the reader’s questions:

1.       What is this?

2.       Why should I read it?

3.       What is the writer’s intention?

What is the function of a research paper introduction?

The introduction helps the reader to decide if the research paper is necessary for them. The reader uses the rationale you set in the first paragraph to decide to read or not. It is, therefore, important to make the beginning of your research engaging and interesting to attract the reader. Include your hypothesis and creatively brief your conclusion to grab the reader’s attention to motivate them to read your entire work.

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Steps of writing Research Paper Introduction

The introduction consists of fragments each, with its own significance.

Step 1: set the context by providing background information.

Prepare the reader for more details and information provided later in your paper by using general but relevant statements in the introduction paragraph sentences.

Below is an example:

A paper on electric cars may introduce the study with the following sentence:

‘Electric vehicles invention dates back to as early as 1832 and is attributed to various people.’

The statement should not be too broad: the example above is specific about electric vehicles and not vehicles in general.

Once the first sentence introduces the broader field of study, the following sentence can touch on the specific point of study in that broad field: in the example above, you may continue by mentioning, ‘Electrical fueled vehicles offer diversified benefits to the world.’ Research Paper Introduction

Step 2: introduce your specific topic of research and explain why it is important.

It is evident from the above examples that the author moves towards presenting their specific topic of research. In this part, you can bring in some statistics to show the seriousness and importance of your study.

For example, continuing with the above electric vehicles topic, you may provide information on how much petroleum is consumed annually in your state and what the amount equates to in budget terms. Also, you can state the impacts of the carbon released to the environment from petroleum combustion.

To emphasize the importance of your research demonstrates a possible solution to your case study. For instance, explain how electric cars reduce harmful emissions that cause climatic change and how they are less costly to run and more reliable as they are free from fuel price spikes and supply disruptions. Make a point on the positives. Research Paper Introduction

Step 3: put forward past endeavors to solve the problem or answers to the research question.

Indicate earlier efforts used to approach the research and clarify how yours differ from other attempts.

For example, ‘while these studies are relevant, they were carried out when the world’s population owning vehicles was still low. The current study is based on the statistical fact of the high number of vehicles in the world and hence the high fuel demand as well as increased emissions to the environment.’

Step 4: conclude your introduction by mentioning the specific objectives of your research.

The preliminary parts of the introduction should logically usher your specific objectives. In this section, give specific details, for instance, mention an average amount of money that would be saved annually by using electric vehicles. Also, include a specific reduction rate of carbon fumes emission to the environment. Even so, avoid too much detail in this part and leave that for Analysis and Results part. Research Paper Introduction

An example of a conclusion:

‘The aims are:

1) To assess the impacts of petroleum reliance on the economy: price hikes and supply disruption

2) To assess the effects of emissions on public health and ecological existence.’


There are a variety of ways to create objectives: question, hypothesis, and infinitive method. The above example uses the infinitive method.

The question method:

‘Do over-reliance on petroleum affect the economy?’

The hypothesis method:

‘We decided to test the following hypothesis related to electric cars information

h1) electric cars save on budget

h2) electric car users are less inconvenienced than conventional fueling users.’


How to write a good introduction paragraph: Research Paper Introduction

Ensure the information in the starting paragraph matches perfectly with the content in the rest of our writing. Also, introduce the reader smoothly to your topic by conveying the information in easy to understand manner. Research Paper Introduction

In case of difficulties trying to write the introduction, begin with other sections, and come later to work on the intro. Working on it later will help you identify the most relevant information as well as the amount of detail to include.

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