[SOLVED] Research Methods
Research Methods 1B (GS300B)
Research Proposal Rubric
Description of Assignment:
Each student will complete a research proposal.
The proposal must include the following elements:
1. Title page (Title, Student’s name and ID)
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
4. Background (Review of Literature/Contextual Analysis)
5. Rationale/Purpose
6. Hypotheses (if applicable)
7. Research Questions
8. Research Objectives
9. Research Design:
a) Method
b) Population and Sample [Selection and Size]
c) Data
▪ Sources/Types
▪ Procedure [Instruments, Collection and Management]
▪ Analysis
d) Ethical considerations
10. Significance
11. Research Schedule
12. Budget
13. Works Cited
Submissions must be in accordance with the MLA formatting standards
This should include, but is not limited to the following:
▪ Font: Times New Roman
▪ Font size: 12 point
▪ Typed
▪ Line spacing: Double spaced
▪ Page numbering
Mandatory Works Cited Page
All submissions must be in accordance with MLA reference style [8th edition] (both in-text
citations and Works Cited)
Minimum word count: 2,500 (Works Cited not included)
This assignment contributes to 40% of your final grade
The assessment of the research proposal will be based on the following components: content
(elements, introduction, background/literature review, research contribution and significance,
methodology and references) and presentation (organisation and writing style, grammar and
typographical errors).
The research proposal contains all the required elements: 5
The research proposal contains most of the required elements: 3
The research proposal has six or less of the required elements: 1
Very clear introduction of the purpose and scope of the project: 5
Relatively clear introduction of the purpose and scope of the project: 3
No or poor introduction of the purpose and scope of the project: 1
Background (Literature Review/Contextual Analysis)
A comprehensive evaluation of credible references and artists demonstrating a clear connection
to research topic: 5
A partial evaluation of references and artists related to the research topic: 3
A mediocre evaluation of references and artists associated to the research topic: 1
Research contribution and significance
Research questions, objectives, hypotheses and significance of the study are very clear, practical
and relatable: 5
Research questions, objectives, hypotheses and significance of the study are clear and practical
or relatable: 3
Research questions, objectives, hypotheses and significance of the study are not clear, not
practical or not relatable: 1
Research design is practical and appropriate with clear details on data selection, collection and
analysis: 5
Research design is appropriate with some details on data selection, collection and analysis: 3
Research design may not be appropriate with limited details on data selection, collection and
analysis: 1
References (Treatment of Direct Quotes, In-text citations and Works Cited)
References are appropriately incorporated and formatted: 5
References are satisfactorily incorporated and formatted, however with minor errors: 3
No references or references are inappropriately and/or inaccurately incorporated or formatted: 1
Well organised, demonstrates logical sequencing and structure: 5
Organised, but demonstrates illogical sequencing or structure: 3
No or Poor organisation, sequencing or structure: 1
Writing Style, Grammar and typographical errors
Very good writing style, clear language with very few (0-5) errors: 5
Good writing style, relatively clear language with a few errors (6-10): 3
Poor writing style, confusing language with numerous errors: 1
There will also be a bonus or penalty for punctuality.
Early and on time submissions: Bonus +2
Late submissions (within 7 days): Penalty -2
Very late submissions (over 7 days): Penalty -4
Dr. Atkinson Swaby
Research Methods Research Methods Research Methods
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