Protestant Reformation Reading Assignment
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Please read the following documents:
Read Luther’s 95 Theses
Read On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church (Document “A”)
Read Concerning Christian Liberty
Read Preface to the Epistle to the Romans
After reading the documents, please answer the following question. For each answer, you must provide a minimum of one page (although you are free to write more), single spaced. You must provide answers from the text to support your ideas, but no thesis is required. Each question is worth 20 points.
1.) Address the criticisms the Luther makes about the Catholic Church. What practices does he denounce? What does he think of the leadership structure of the church? What does he think about its doctrines, ideas, and concepts about Christianity? What are the basis of his criticism?
2.)Discuss Luther’s idea of proper Christianity? How do Christians achieve salvation? How should Christians behave? Who is a Christian? What types of worship and practice should Christian’s do? Who should be ministers?
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